Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Daddy went to get some wood and found this:

Snake Skin
There were about 3 or 4 snakes. Don't worry, we do not have poisonous one's that live here. They are just gardener snakes, which are perfectly harmless! In fact Grandpa Spiehs used to let me hold them when I was a kid. Daddy wouldn't let the boy's hold them. I let the boy's hold them once when we were on a walk. Don't tell Daddy!  

Then Mica spotted a spider web in our Magnolia Tree. I think their webs are truly artistic!


Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

I love checking out spider webs too. Not keen on the snakes though!
Some of my spider pics here

kewkew said...

Could do with out seeing snakes. The last time I did, I had a nightmare. I do love watching snakes. We had one on our porch last year and got to watch it building it's web. that was amazing.


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