Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Preamble

It's 3 1/2 year old Mica saying The Preamble. Do you know it?

Friday, March 20, 2009

He Can Dance

Isaak dancing. Watch him, "Move it Move it". All he needs is a pole.

Poop Explosions

  • No poop explosions from my kids.
  • There has been a couple from my nephew Elijah who is almost a year. It's happened while Travis is watching him.
  • The boy wears cloth diapers, so you can imagine the mess. Travis took the mess outside, and turned the hose on it all.
  • My sister comes up the steps to see her son's wet poopy clothes and diaper sitting on the porch.
  • Travis gave up, and put one of Isaak's disposable diapers on him. The cloth ones have been fine up until lately.

Knock Knock

  • Isaak love's going into Mica's room.
  • Mica doesn't like it so much.
  • When Isaak comes Mica's way, Mica shuts his door. Isaak's left there high and dry. He knocks on Mica's door, and whines as if to say, "LET ME IN MICA"!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

So Cute This Morning

  • Isaak was so huggy this morning.
  • My niece Kailey and nephew Ethan are staying with my parents for a week. Isaak was so smiley to see them. Very much a contrast from a few weeks ago when his stranger anxiety kicked in. He's seen them a little more since.
  • Mica wanted to go to school with Kailey and Ethan. He came yelling out, "Hey wait for me" when my dad left with Kailey. When it was Ethan's turn to go to school, Mica grabbed his backpack and jacket. He was ready to go to school. My dad let him tag along; he got dropped off at my sister Terra's to go to Preschool. He wants to be part of the big kid group.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Issak's new thing is saying, "Mmmmm" when he's eating.

What Do You Want to be When You Grow Up?

  • Mica told his cousin Evan that Evan's going to be a firefighter, and he's going to be a train passenger when he grows up. What he wants to be always switches, but being a train passenger is a new one.
  • When ever I ask Mica what Isaak's going to be when he grows up? The answer is always the same, "A garbage truck driver". Funny kid.


  • Mica has been asking us these kinds of questions, "Mommy do you like airplains or trains"? and "Daddy do you like oranges or apples"? I love it because I can tell he's thinking.
  • But...when I say the thing that he likes better (such as trains in response for the first question), he gets all irritated at me and says, "No Mommy you can't like that one, that's the the one I like". I keep telling him that more then one person can like something. He seems to get it, but turns around and gets all bent out of shape when I pick the thing he likes.
  • He's in that, I want my sandwich cut in triangles over squares faze. In fact my mom made the boy's peanut butter sandwich's for a snack; Mica asked for his to be cut in circles. We all had big question marks hanging over our heads. I know you can use cookie cutters to cut with, but I've never done this before. So...I'm thinking, "Where in the heck did he get circles"?