Saturday, April 11, 2009

Nebraska is Happy

  • On Good Morning America, they said that Nebraska is the happiest place to be under all this economic crisis.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter Treats

The Apel's favorite Easter treat is:
The Apel's least favorite Easter treat is:

Easter Bunny

  • The Easter Bunny is leaving Isaak Puffs and Cheerios in plastic eggs.
  • He's leaving Mica jelly beans, and some chocolate in his plastic eggs.
  • He bought them Pinocchio the DVD.
  • Mica gets a small toy of Team Geotrax that has a train, track and a free DVD included.
  • Isaak gets a retro style house from the Little People. It looks like the one I had when I was a kid. But the little people are bigger in size.
  • The Easter Bunny's loose change was made into dollar coins for the boys to share.
  • We're going to be at my Aunt Sam's house for Easter. I'm sure they will get even more spoiled there by their Easter Bunny, Aunt Becky.


  • My Mom said that Isaak now knows how to play the cymbols from their drum set. I wish that was captured on video. Too cute!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Yummy Toe

  • It seems like every other day a new tooth is in Isaak's mouth. While Mica and I were reading stories, Isaak tried to bite Mica's foot, and did bite one of my toes.
  • He cut like 4 or 5 at a time.
  • I had this weird thought with both of my kids that they would never get any teeth.
  • I'm thinking it has something to do with Mica's tongue issues. Maybe a little to do with the fact that my sister Terra's kids got their teeth so early too.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

On Wheels

  • Isaak is really into anything with wheels. He loves Mica's Thomas trains. We have to watch him; because of the small wheels. He's figured out how to make his catapillar on wheels go. Then there is a car that has pop beads inside it. He loves moving that around on the floor. I hear a pop pop pop pop sound as he crawls around with the car in his hand.

Patty Cake

  • Isaak knows most of the actions to "Patty Cake" now. He just doesn't know how to "Roll them". He does "Throw them away" though.
  • He also loves to play "Peek a Boo". He's liked this for awhile, but is just now starting to cover his own eyes to start the game.
  • For some reason, Isaak won't play "So Big" anymore. Mica did this too; where he'd do a trick for awhile, then no more. He must of gotten sick of the game.
  • He sometimes blows kisses and waves.


  • We got a membership to Costco.
  • Mica loves the samples in there, but Isaak gets mad because he can't have what we are having. Poor baby.
  • Mica did get bent out of shape because he dropped a sample tooth pick on the floor. I caught wind of it for awhile from him. At first I thought he dropped something out of the cart that was really important.
  • I couldn't get Isaak out of the cart at the end of our trip at the store. The buckle on the cart was stuck (so I thought). Well...I didn't know that besides the side levers, there was a center one. The complicated buckle was facing Isaak, so I didn't see the center button. I was about to push the cart back into the store; telling them to get my baby out PLEASE. It was snowing, and the wind was blowing.

Crazy Old Lady

  • I'm in the process of making some spring cookies (they aren't decorated yet).
  • Mica helps me pour in the ingredients and mix up the dough. But I will not let him help roll the dough out. He came in while I was rolling the dough, and wanted to eat some. I told him, "No". I had already given him some (which I shouldn't because of the raw eggs, I know).
  • He told me, "Give me some of that you crazy old lady". I know what he said was disrespectful, but I had to laugh. It threw me off guard. I know he got it from my dad saying that to my mom in a funny way, not mean.
  • A few minutes later Mica went to grab some dough. I told him, "Get your paws off"! He said, "Mommy I have fingers, not paws". This is true.