Saturday, November 20, 2010

Letter/Number Puzzle Mat Activities

  • It's been awhile since we've gotten this Letter/Number Puzzle Mat out. Last night Mica put it together. Afterwords he was jumping on the letters to spell certain words. We were helping him sound them out.
  • Mica also did exercises on the mat with Daddy.
  • I was hoping Isaak would go through the alphabet, but he didn't seem interested. Maybe in a month or two we'll try this activity again. 
  • Something is up with Isaak. He doesn't seem to be feeling well. He woke up 3 times last night screaming/crying at the top of his lungs. I thought maybe it was night terrors, but he was fussy last evening as well. He has no fever. I'm not sure what's wrong, he won't tell me. Isaak did smile long enough for me to get a few photo's this morning.
  • Check out Isaak's cute BabyLeg Football Socks! Isaak asks to wear them all the time. They have them in leg warmers too. Mica and Isaak now wear the leg warmers on their arms. *Note Isaak's still is bow footed.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


  • Mica's teachers helped him write letters to us. They were so cute. That boy has a great memory and can tell stories well. I love his imagination!
Daddies letter was so cute! Here are Mica's words:

Dear Dad,
I will love you very much. I love that you make GeoTrax trains and the tracks. I love that you cook hot dogs for me. I also like pizza. I like that you hang out with me. I had a dream about a dump truck and we all were in it. 


I got one to. Here's my letter: 

Dear Mom,
Once upon a time I went to a shopping area and we got some hot dogs and bread. Then we went home. We got some chocolate bunnies there and we ate them before bed.

Ya no Love, Mica on mine. LOL

For the record we don't have hot dogs often. Mica was asking for them about a week. I got angus hot dogs. They're a little healthier. 

    I Should Bite My Tongue During Class!

    • I'm a college art teacher. Yesterday I was in lecture. I was talking about how getting your project the right size is so very important. They could seriously loose a job if it's the wrong size. Many students come in not knowing how to use a ruler at all. It makes me mad that they get through the school system not knowing how to measure. I slipped and said not even thinking about it, "Size does matter." All of the students started laughing at me. I broke down and laughed too.
    • When I first started teaching years ago {2002 I think} I got really irate that there was this group of students that seemed to never work on their artwork. They only seemed to work on their gossip skills. I yelled out, "Would you please stop jacking off!" Meaning, "Would you please stop goofing off!" They laughed and I tried to be serious. It took me awhile to process my own words that I just said.
    • I teach the student's next semester in Design and Layout about printing colors. Well there is RGB color mode and CMYK. There is also PMS colors used for spot colors. Whenever I get into explaining PMS colors nearly all the boy's are laughing when I talk. It's very hard to keep a straight face.
    • Another thing that I say a lot is, "Come get your prescription." Instead of, "Come get your subscription." I always mix up prescription with subscription. I'm not sure why because I know the differences between them. 
    • So there you have it, I should seriously bite my tongue in class. Really I can't do that because I have to talk two times three days a week for an hour each time. It's a good thing I don't stick my foot in my mouth too often. It's also great that they are college students.

    Wednesday, November 17, 2010

    Not so Wordless Wednesday - Mike Ike

    • The boy's were eating some Halloween candy. Mike Ike is what Mica picked out. 
    • Our son's names are Mica and Isaak. If you shorten their names, Mike and Ike. I never thought about the candy when we named them.
    • We don't call them Mike and Ike though. Mica is called Mica Moose and Isaak is Zeek or Zeeky.

    First Snow

    • We had our first snow on Friday. 
    • There is a 30% chance of snow tomorrow too.
    • Usually it's snowed more this time of year. I'm not complaining. It might effect the farms that surround the area.

    Monday, November 15, 2010

    Tis the Season for Really Cool Giveaways!

    • It's to win a $50 gift card to Maukilo!
    • I have to feature this product that they sell called Twig:

    • There's a story behind Twig. One of my favorite students did the packaging for this product. He gave me a set to try. He's also the one that set up the photo shot in the picture above. He was a great student!
    • We love them!
    • I also love these cars
    • The smaller ones would make GREAT stocking stuffers!

      Isaak Flushed a Ball Down the Toilet!

      • It sucks when you call to check on your kids, only to find out they've done something bad. 
      • Isaak flushed a ball down my sister's toilet! 
      • He's gone back into a throwing stage. I've been giving out a lot of timeouts
      • Isaak has to have whatever Mica has. Yesterday I gave Mica a timeout for hitting Isaak. Isaak wanted a timeout because Mica had one. This is when I question weather timeouts work? Here he is wanting to go in one.
      • Isaak is either very sweet, or a naughty boy.

      My Baby's Green

      I have something to share: My Baby's Green is having a huge sale, 40% off almost everything from Black Friday all the way though Cyber Monday if they get  2500 Facebook followers by November 22.

      You can check out their blog that has great giveaways here.

      {Lazoo} a Company Full of Imagination

      • Jolly Mom is giving away a collection of Lazoo products, including a long sleeved tshirt, plush, and two books!
      • I like the look of the products that this company has. Everything just seems full of imagination!

      Sunday, November 14, 2010

      Tegu Blocks Rock!

      • My Organized Chaos is hosting a cool give away. They are giving away a set of Discovery Set of Tegu Blocks!
      • I had never heard of these before. The blocks snap into place. Almost anything can be built.

      cute and Handsome

      I told Isaak today that he is cute.
      Isaak said, "I not cute. Puppies and babies are cute."
      I of course corrected him. He is very cute!

      I told Mica that he is handsome.
      Mica said, "I am handsome. Someday I will marry a pretty girl."
      He's so hung up on the ladies. LOL