Tuesday, December 13, 2011

WW Generations {Linky}

Mica had a Grandparents Day at school. My parents, Grandma and Grandpa Spiehs and my Grandpa, Great Grandpa Kent went to eat lunch with Mica. He was so excited to have them there!

We got three pictures. One for each set of Grandparents and Mica to keep. I thought it turned out really good! I only wish that my Grandma, Great Grandma Kent was well enough to be there. Grandma and Grandpa Apel (Daddy's parents) live out of town.

My kids are really lucky to be around one set of Grandparents a lot. I'm really happy that Great Grandpa Kent is doing pretty good! The boys love all their Grandparents a lot!


  1. That is a blessing that they could be there,and that they're near. (at least part of the grands)

  2. That is a picture of my life's goal, to be a grandpa!
    Meanwhile, I am a life long fan of Planet fo the Apes and have been meaning to tell you I absolutely love your site name!!!

  3. what a great "day" to have at school!!!! I love that idea...and 3 generations....so lucky! :)

  4. He's a lucky boy.


  5. It is a blessing. My kids lost both of my hubby's parents when they were little, they don't remember their grandma. :( multi generations are a blessing for sure.

  6. Love it! I wish my family were in the US for such a photo.

  7. Great picture. What a lovely thing for the school to do.

  8. They are so lucky to have grandparents around...:)

  9. That is a huge blessing! I wish I had my grandparents still around. Beautiful picture!

  10. What a great portrait. I'm sure it'll become a treasure photograph for years to come. :)

  11. lovely picture :) hope to have one like this one day!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka
    Join in: Wordless Wednesday Linky Party

  12. It is definitely a blessing to have grandparents close by. Great picture.

  13. Such a nice picture! Lucky Mica to have grandparents so close. I never did. My kids do now, but soon won't (hopefully just until Tony is done with school). I was blown away by how much Grandpa Spiehs looks like a younger version of my maternal grandma. Wow!

  14. What a lucky boy to be able to bask in the love of so many generations.

    My photography is available for purchase - visit Around the Island Photography on etsy and Society6 and bring home something beautiful today!

  15. wonderful! Mica is so lucky to have grandparents close by to come! My grandsons missed out on having any great-grands by just a few years, and we are very far away. sniff... Lovely of the school to do this! ~hugs, Faythe @ GMT~

  16. crap!!!!!!!
    when was grandparents day?
    cute picture :)

  17. okay, i feel dumb now...
    it was in sept... i THINK i remembered it... i was thinking it was recent... ha ha ha..

  18. That was so great that he got to eat with his Grandparents. What a neet school he goes to. I don't remember them doing anything like that when my Daughter was young.


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