Saturday, June 11, 2011

What to Do?

Well I picked tons of Oregano, washed it and now it's drying out. I figured we can give some to our work's.

Then I decided to join the birds and taste some of the berries off of our tree. Last year the birds got to them all before we got a chance to eat them. Now the tree has grown. More berries for us. I think I'll make muffins out of them.

Tuckered Out Mica

Mica wanted to watch a movie. When does he not? He asks all the time; but doesn't get to watch one all the time!

I told him that he could watch one after bath and rest time. I then motioned for him to come closer to me and whispered in his ear to just drop the movie talk. Once Isaak goes down for a nap, I'll put a movie in for him. Until then he needed to pretend to rest.

Isaak had to go potty, then Mica had to go potty. While Isaak was going, Mica was laying down waiting. When I went to tell Mica that Isaak was done, Mica was fast asleep. He fell asleep as soon as he hit his pillow. He's one tuckered out boy.

The boy's played on the Slip 'n Slide for 2 hours this morning. I think that wore them out!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Omaha Mayor Signs Flooding Emergency Declaration

On the news last night, the mayor declared Omaha in a state of emergency! Yep it's where I live!  It's pretty scary.

Image found here.
I'm not worried about our house, but Daddy just got an email from the gallery where his work is at. If the downtown area gets word, then he has to go remove his sculptures right away. I just feel for everyone that looses their homes, farmers that will loose everything, more businesses that go under and families that are scared.

Image found here.
So, if you don't live in the midwest. This may not effect you now, but it will in the long run. Farmers are having a hard time growing things right now. Food costs will go up next year; even more then they already are. We're going to be diving into the debt that is already scarce. Gas prices I'm sure will go up too!

Image found here.
Traveling is hard as well. Portions of Interstates 29, 680 are to closed due to flooding.

It's all pretty scary.

I came up with this wonderful Idealist way of thinking. Daddy told me it would never work. I thought about big tanker trucks sucking up water. Then dumping it into Ideal water tanks. Ideal is a water company here in Omaha. They could filter the water, bottle it and become a HUGE company. They'd become so huge that they could donate to places that are in need. They'd have so much money that they'd find a way to package in reusable stainless steel instead of plastic. Ok so that last sentence was far fetched! But, the rest I thought was good. My idea isn't freezable though. :( If only we lived in an Ideal world!

Did I mention that it's raining?

Last Night We Watched This Movie:

The Karate Kid. For a long time, I didn't want to see the movie. I just thought it was silly that they would make a movie off of another movie that was so good already. I've heard excellent things about it; and gave it a chance. It's not at all the the others. I just don't understand why they didn't call it: The Kung Fu Kid?

Image found here.
It was a good movie! I think Jaden Smith is a great actor! He's looking more and more like his Daddy, Will Smith!

The movie did get me worked up a bit. This is good. A movie should make you feel something. I just hate how some kids are treated in schools. Bullies can be really bad. I was glad the main character had someone that could help train him to stand his ground.

Besides the bully issue, I felt bad that this kid had to move to China. Imagine the impact of having to move to another school, the language barrier and custom changes to boot!

I was so glad it ended happily!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

GeoSafari Tuff Scope

New Age Mama is hosting a giveaway that is right up Mica's, my nephew Evan or nephew Payton's ally! I can really see giving it to any one of those three boys! It's a GeoSafari Tuff Scope by Educational Insights. They have some of the best, educational toy's out there!

Here are all the specs on this sweet toy:

  • 2-in-1 microscope with base and removable scope
  • 400x magnification
  • 2x continuous zoom
  • Transmissive and reflective LED lighting
  • Storage drawer
  • Requires 3AA batteries (not included)
  • Compatible with GeoSafari® Tuff Cam for magnified digital photography

Play Ice Cream Shop

New Age Mama is hosting a cool giveaway from Learning Resources. It's a Pretend and Play Ice Cream Shop! I like the apron!

Isaak tells us knock knock jokes, and each one includes an ice cream cone in there somewhere. He thinks he's hilarious. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Slip 'n Slide Fun

I decided to attach a small slide above the Slip 'n Slide. Mica told me, "Mommy that's the best idea ever!" Don't you like how kids exaggerate? ;)

Everyday Uses Rock and Card Set

I was really excited to see the giveaway going on at New Age Mama! It's for a Everyday Uses Rock and Card Set. The giveaway comes from a company called Educational Insights.

This would be perfect for Mica's birthday. The spelling of his name is from Mica that shinny flakes on some rocks. You can see Mica below.

Daddy also has a small rock collection going. We collect arrowheads too.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Fixing the Chimney

We got a new roof. They did a good job, but the chimney needed to get attached better. They came back this evening to fix it. I think it was a problem because they needed one guy inside, and another on the roof. When they did the job, we were not home most of the time.

Mica and Isaak were completely transfixed on a stranger walking in and out of our house. The man that was working was talking on a cell phone to the person that was on the roof. Only he was speaking in Spanish.

Mica said laughing, "What is that China man saying?"

I said quietly, "Mica he is speaking Spanish, not Chinese. He's from Mexico."

Mica quickly went to get the globe to point out where both China and Mexico were both at.

Three Year Old = More of a Punk!

See this sweet little boy that likes to help me with grocery shopping? He's had a little bit of "PUNK" added to his personality since he turned 3 years old. 

Yesterday we went to my cousin's high school graduation party. I wanted to socialize with my relatives. Mica wanted to go outside to play. I won't let him go outside by himself. I said he could go out as long as he stayed on the deck where I could see him. Mica said, "No I want you to come with me." I said, "Fine we'll just go home because it's nap time after all." Plus Mr. Roto-Rooter was at our house. I wanted to go see how that was coming along. For all I knew Daddy was still at home with the plumber. He had to go back to work.

I was holding Isaak, and he started punching my arm because I wouldn't let his brother play outside.

Between the clogged up sink, dishes everywhere at our house, the plumber cost, Mica being defiant and Isaak punching me, I was annoyed! I wanted to get them in the car as fast as possible! Then it was nap time.

I walked outside. Both boys were mad at me, and I was not happy with them. My aunt pulled up with my Grandma that has Alzheimer's disease. My aunt asked me to walk my grandma inside, so she could find a place to park. Of course I was more then happy to do that. By the time I got to our car, punishing the boy's seemed silly. I did talk to them anyhow. I guess leaving a place they wanted to stay at was a punishment.

We all went home and took a nap from 2:30 to 5:30. Mica woke me up. I had to clean the sink and clean many dishes by hand before I could even start on dinner.

Back to the "PUNK" added to Isaak's personality. Lately when I give Mica time-outs, which isn't that often, he's a pretty good kid; Isaak runs up and starts punching me saying, "Don't put my brother in time-out!" His sweet "soulful" eyes turn mean and his eyebrows slant upward.  

Then Isaak goes to time-out for hitting.

I'm glad that Isaak loves his brother, but not glad he started doing this to me! I hope that I'm handling the situation right. Isaak gets a time-out for each time he hits.

He has also stared threatening to throw toys at Mica. Yep the same brother he loves so much gets Isaak's mean streak too! Usually I have to give two time-outs. One for Isaak's threat and another for Mica pushing him away. Mica is told to walk away from the situation. He is to tell us. Thankfully our boy's rarely lie. If I ask Isaak, "Did you act like you were going to throw something at Mica?" He says, "Yes." It's usually when I'm out of the room Isaak does this. I don't like to punish for things I don't see, but Isaak's sneaky! At least he'll tell me the truth.

If you want to add any thoughts to this post, I'm happy to hear them. I'm hoping Isaak's just going through a stage. After many time-outs, a talk with eye contact and "I'm sorry" apologies, he'll get over it! I hope!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Mr Roto Rooter VIsited Our House Today

  • Last night before dinner I noticed our kitchen sink wouldn't drain. This has happened before, but in the past I took care of it. This time I couldn't. 
  • Daddy came home. He tried to snake it out. He got some yucky stuff out, but didn't solve the problem.
  • Today we called a plumber. He had to snake it pretty deep.
  • Such a pain in the drain.