Saturday, August 13, 2011

Seven on Channel Seven

Cousin Emerson had his 7 week birthday party on Thursday! We couldn't go because Mica had his Meet and Greet night at school. I don't have any recent shots of Emerson. I was hoping to see him tonight at Mica's birthday party.

Mica's party got canceled. Grandma Spiehs got Isaak's tummy flu. I just don't want Emerson, Great Grandpa Kent or anyone else for that matter to get sick! I'd really like to visit Aunt Terra, Uncle Tyson, Cousins Evan, Elijah and Emerson. Just in case I get sick with this tummy bug, I'm staying away. I may see them at the Meet and Greet preschool function that Isaak and Elijah have tomorrow. I'm not sure all of them will show up to that though.

Instead of a party tonight, we're going camping in our backyard. We're trying to make it up to Mica.

Back to Emerson: He's getting bigger. He's 9 pounds 13 ounces. He still has quite a snort, so his doctor is going to examine him pretty well to see if he can tell why. Then he's going to start working on his lucky foot. He has one club foot. Really all they do is massage it and set it in a cast to straighten it out. Then repeat the process. The process causes no pain. The only reason I know about treating club foot is because I watched a YouTube video on it when Isaak had all his bowed feet problems.

Our local news {channel 7} broadcasts birthdays on the 7. If your child's birthday is 7 months or 7 years, it's featured on the channel when you submit a photo. Aunt Terra wrote in to see if Emerson's photo could be on the news? They said that they only show 7 months and 7 years now. After she explained that his life may be short; they agreed to have Emerson on the news Monday morning! If you live in Omaha, Nebraska, Emerson will be on ABC at 5:53 AM! I'm so happy that they are letting this rule be broken. I just think his brothers in particular will love seeing Emerson on TV! If they have the clip on their website, I'll try and embed it.

Hitch your wagon to a star. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, August 12, 2011

Meet the Teacher

We got to meet Mica's new teacher Mrs. Lisko last night. Mica was nervous. So were all the other kids. He got a bookmark and pencil.

His favorite part of the night was playing on their new playground equipment! Mica is so excited that he gets to play on this every day:

Busy Bees

This week and next are so busy. Here's the run down:

  • Aug 8: I started up the school year. I'm a college graphic arts instructor. I had a new project that lasts the first 1/2 the semester. The other 2 classes are pretty much repeats. 
  • Aug 10: Mica turned 6. He unwrapped presents from us. We were going to go to Chuck E Cheese because Mica asked to go there once. Instead he wanted a movie night. We went to Best Buy to get a movie of his choice. He choose Disney's Hercules. 
  • Aug 11: Mica had open house at his new school for Kindergarten. It was fun! He got to meet his new teacher. He looked nervous, but so was the next student. We had to miss Emerson's 7 week birthday party. Isaak went to sleep and woke us up with throw up on his new bedding! Then he threw up again! He was tired today.
  • Aug 12: Thank Grandma and Grandpa Spiehs for taking in a sick boy! What would I do without you? They've already been around him yesterday. Isaak was cranky and none of us knew why.
  • Aug 13: Mica's birthday bash.
  • Aug 14: Isaak goes to hang out with his preschool teachers.
  • Aug 15: Mica starts kindergarten.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Mica


You turned 6 today! Happy Birthday! You start Kindergarten next week! I'm both nervous and excited for you. I can't believe how time flies!

I ran into your name a few times. One night I fell asleep on the couch and woke up to this on the TV:
Found here
Turns out there's a famous ski resort in Heli Canada named Mica. Kind of odd to wake up with that on the TV!

Then I was thumbing through a graphic design book and saw this:

Found here
It stands for Maryland Institute College of Art. Perfect! I do think it's odd that Institute and College are in the same name of a school. It's still cool that M | I | C / A is an art school!

You were actually named after this:

Found here
That shimmery stuff on a rock is called, "Mica." This type of Mica is sometimes added to paint. You took a rock to preschool last school year to show your friends "Mica."

I call you "Mica Moose" a lot. I'm not sure if you truly believe me, but I told you a story about how you were going to grow moose horns out of your head. For awhile I told you that you had to take a bath, so your moose horns would grow. You told a few family members about your horns. You might have believed me.

Your moose horns may not be growing, but the rest of you is growing like a weed! I swear you will be one of the tallest boys in your class.

You have proved doctors wrong in many areas. You were born with a cyst under your tongue. Doctors said you may never eat or talk right. They sent us to countless doctor appointments, to get an MRI done and to speech therapy. You eat a lot and talk our ears off! You had a funky crawl and limped when you first started walking. Doctors didn't know what to think of this! You now run and jump all over the place. You had a staph infection that baffled the doctors when you were 7 months old. You got through that too! I'm so glad you are healthy!

You are pretty literal; tell it like it is. At the same time you love to dress up with a button up shirt and tie. You also like to play dress up by being a pirate, magician, cowboy and super hero.

Is he planking, or flying?

The things you like playing with right now are: Transformers, Hot Wheels, the game Rush Hour, Lego's, anything Toy Story and Team GeoTrax.

Buzz Lightyear, Superman and Indiana Jones are your hero's!

You now love to color. With coloring, it was like a light bulb that went off in your mind. All the sudden you wanted to color. Before the light bulb went off, you wanted nothing to do with crayons.

An alien in a spaceship.

We swear you will be into something like dance, track, gymnastics or karate. Some type of individual sport. Maybe one of these sports will channel your energy!

You are my story teller, artist and my handsome boy.

I love you very much,


Monday, August 8, 2011

I Need Motherly Advice From a Mother or a Father

My oldest is going to be 6 on Wednesday. He is not a picky boy with food. We've done our best to give him a variety of things to eat throughout his life. All the sudden, during this past summer he's become picky with clothes! I've never heard of a 6 year old boy being so picky! My husband's co-worker's 6 year old son is the same way. That made me feel a little better.

So what does Mica want to look like EVERY day:

He wants to wear a button down shirt, he prefers a tie. Why? Because he says, "I want to look handsome Mommy!" Many days I say, "No! You have to wear a t-shirt because it's a play day. You are handsome in t-shirts Mica!" He almost refuses to get dressed.

Am I cramping his style? Should I buy him more button down shirts because that's what he likes?
Is this one of those picky food type things? Where he needs to just wear what's in his closest because Mommy says so. I bought all the fun t-shirts. Should he be forced to wear them? Kind of like eating the food that's on their plate.

This is what we're dealing with at home right now. I honestly don't know what direction I should take. I never thought I'd have this problem with a 6 year old boy. 

Go Graham Go is hosting a giveaway for one winner to win a $100 gift certificate to Tea Collection.  I'm hoping to win because good boy clothes are so hard to find. Most have sports splashed all over them. Our boys are not into sports yet.

I know Mica would wear this and call himself "Handsome!":

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Today We Went to the Kent Family Reunion

Grandma Spiehs' side that is. I picked up Great Aunt Becky, we went to Great Grandpa Kent's and headed out on an adventure 2 hours away to the family reunion.

I made potato salad. The potatoes came from our garden.

Then I made Chocolate Malt Cookies! Talk about yumminess! I know {yumminess} isn't a word, but it should be! You can find the recipe here.

Mica wanted to wear his pirate garb. I said, "Ok. But that's all you get to bring." He got to bring it, not wear it. He was happy with that. Here he is before we left the house:

What we did all day:
  • We drove
  • We ate
  • We played ball
  • We played hide n' seek
  • We walked to a bridge and threw rocks in the creek
  • We talked
  • We walked
  • We played with toads
  • We played with a dog
  • Only one of my cousin's came
  • My sister's couldn't make it {we still had fun}

What are little boy's made of?

Frogs and snails

 Isaak at our family reunion. He's holding a toad. Not exactly a frog, but close.

Cousin Elijah holding a toad.

 And puppy dogs' tails

That's what little boys are made of.