Saturday, February 4, 2012


We woke up to snow this morning. Daddy was outside shoveling. The boys were watching. Daddy started pushing snow up to the window. The boys thought it was pretty funny!


Since cousin Emerson is in the hospital, we took cousin's Evan and Elijah in.

The night started with me picking up Evan at a friend's house, then Isaak and Elijah at Grandma and Grandpa Spiehs' house. I had a crock pot meal ready because I knew the night would be crazy. Daddy set up the tent in the living room for sleeping arrangements the night before. 

After dinner we met one of my friends from high school and her family at the Y for open swim. A girl Mica goes to school with was there as well. I think everyone had fun. Isaak did get a little jealous because I was playing with other kids. I still played with him as well. ;) Cousin Elijah was big about playing on the side of the pool. He doesn't like not being able to touch the bottom. Cousin Evan was all about jumping in and splashing people. It must be that age, Mica does that to.

When swimming got over with, we came home and put them to bed ASAP. We had them say, "Goodnight" to their Daddy on the phone. Then their Mommy called to say, "Goodnight" as well. It was probably 9:30 before they went to bed! That's pretty late for them!

In the morning we woke up to a snow storm. I made a big breakfast: Banana whole wheat waffles, orange juice made from the juicer and eggs. They ate it down like their food was going out of style. Mica kept sneaking more waffles off the counter. I'm pretty sure he ate a whole waffle by the time he was done. Usually I only start them off with a 1/4.

20 minutes went by and they wanted a snack. They had a Banana Split.

At 11 they were hungry again. I decided to make a pretty big meal, determined to fill the boys up. I made Chicken Bitki, Daddy made Cauliflower and we had sweet potatoes. They again ate everything on their plates.

Good things: Besides eating, we did a lot of things today. They watched a movie, Mica helped me make homemade soap, the littlest two took a nap, I gave them bathes, we colored, Mica wrote out his Valentines, Elijah wrote out his Valentines, they played and I had interviews for kids that we filled out. Our day was pretty busy.

Sucky things: Emerson's had ups and downs at the hospital, today was a down day. Daddy, Isaak, Evan and I have a crappy cold. Isaak and Evan are in the coughing stage, Daddy's in the middle stage and I'm in the stuffy nose stage. This means no visiting Terra and Emerson at the hospital! :( Elijah was missing his Mom and Dad. He cried a few times for them. :(

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Surgery is Over With

Cousin Emerson got out of jaw surgery! The surgery went well. He was in surgery longer then expected because the doctors decided to fix his diaphragmatic hernia. It was just too big and was something they wanted to fix. They also removed his NG tub and put a g-button in.

Lots of stuff done to Emerson in one day.

Now it just another waiting game; we have to wait for him to come off the ventilator.


So today I'm waiting! The boy's cousin/my nephew Emerson is having jaw surgery today. It makes me shiver to think about the pain.

Before I forget to mention, I read a wonderful article written by a mom that has a baby with Trisomy 18.  Many people do not know what it is, so I'm just spreading the word. It's what little Emerson has. Rick Santorum's daughter Isabella has Trisomy 18 as well.

I stole this photo from my sister! Yep Emerson got his first tooth last week!

Emerson's jaw surgery makes me sad, anxious, worried, yet happy that it will help him. I'm all mixed up emotionally.

I felt mental pain when it came to my cousin Megan getting bone cut our of her skull because she needed more of a soft spot for her head to grow (she's now in high school doing just fine), my Mom getting her ankle fused because she had Post Polio problems (she isn't fine, but is better off with the surgery), my Aunt Becky, Uncle George, Father-in-law getting total knee replacements (they seem to be doing ok now). Every family has their things, and I'm no exception!

I know I'll be feeling the anxiety when my Dad gets Atrial Fibrillation Ablation surgery on his heart later this month!

Let's just say there is a lot going on and I don't like it.

I keep trying to think about the fact that Emerson wouldn't be getting this surgery if the doctor's didn't think this is the best thing for him. They are hoping in time with this surgery little Emerson will be able to breathe better, choke less, swallow and possibly eat. All those this are good! His lower jaw is just too small to do all those things effectively.

With my Dad, well his Atrial Fibrillation Ablation will help him to not take meds with nasty side effects! Hopefully it will help him to have less acid reflex problems and it will work, unlike the meds do now! Having a fibrillation problem in the heart is pretty normal. My Dad has suffered with it for years and it just seems to to of gotten worse.

So if I had a wine glass, cheers to healing, strength and future happiness! (Up goes my glass of water and drink).

I guess little Emerson smiled a lot yesterday for the nurses. Maybe I should be smiling to. :)

Instead of flowers and/or balloon I got him a little lamb that plays soothing sounds.

Cloud B Sleep Sheep
Image found here. Except I got Emerson's at Whole Foods for half the price: $14.99.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

WW - Couch {Linky}

Sometimes they just won't look at the camera. When they do, they give me faces.

If you have a moment enter my low entry giveaway for Tropical Traditions Glass and Surface Cleaner - here.  It's my first Rafflecopter Giveaway.

You Can Follow Me Here:

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Run Run As Fast As You Can!

Isaak now runs from me and shouts out, "Run run as fast as you can you can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread Man."

He then runs and hides in the same spot as always, behind the chalkboard.

Usually he does this when I want him to do something that he doesn't want to do.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Mica's hit a new stage in his childhood. It's the help stage. I'm not sure if all kids go through this or not? Mica is. He's my shadow all the time. Most of the time I love it.

I only find it hard when there is not too much for him to help with, or Isaak and him are fighting over who is going to help me. Isaak's generally liked to help in the kitchen and with laundry as soon as he could. Mica was pretty neutral to it until recently.

Along with this stage comes more responsibility.

What Mica does now:
  • He's taken care of putting away his socks, underwear, pjs and pants for a long time. Now he has to hang his shirts up. He doesn't really like doing this, but I know he knows how. Therefore I make him do this task.
  • He has to collect all the trash and takes it out, while we watch. The rule is, is that he can not go out without letting us know. Someone from my sister's high school went to take out the trash and never came back. I'm paranoid about our kids going in the front of the house alone. 
  • Mica packs his own school lunch with me talking him through it. This is a pretty big step. Before Kindergarten he had trouble spreading peanut butter on a piece of bread. He doesn't have peanut butter sandwiches all the time. Sometimes he does.
  • This is a task I'm still shaky on, he started peeling his own carrot. Daddy helped him the first time. I did the second. He tried telling me he knew how to do it. I watched and he was peeling towards himself. YIKES I stopped him right away. This is a task that has to be overseen. 
  • He helps unload the dishwasher. Basically he stacks dishes, while I put them away.
  • He also dumps ingredients in a bowl when I'm making things.
  • He takes the plates to the table.
Were you ever weary to let your kids start certain tasks? If so, what were they?


Isaak was spinning in circles like many kids do. He stopped and said, "Mommy why is the floor spinning? Do you see that?" I said, "Nope I don't see the floor spinning." Then I just laughed. Maybe I should of explained to him why the floor seemed like it was spinning. I just let him think that the floor was magically spinning.

It reminded me of the time when we were driving and Mica said, "Why are the trees moving backwards?" I don't remember what I said to that.