Saturday, October 20, 2012

Celebration of Mind Nebraska

We went to the Strategic Air and Space Museum all day Saturday.
It was for an event called Celebration of Mind. It was sponsored by Fat Brain Toys. I have 2 of my past students working there. They work on the website, facebook page, create ads for the local store and some toy packaging.

It was good seeing my students there.

They had toys all over for kids to play with, it was at the Strategic Air and Space Museum, so we saw a lot of cool thing, there was a robot exhibit and a ton of guest speakers focused on creativity. Pretty cool!

The boys liked playing with all the toys. Daddy and I liked the speakers, which the boys got tired of.

 A Daddy Shot
 I couldn't tear Mica away from these building thing. I have no clue what they are called.
 The boys liked their Citiblocs to! We have some at home, but we don't have a room of them.

Here is what the workshops were that we went to. We didn't go to all of them.


Sing, Sing a Song Saturday

I started doing what I call Sing, Sing a Song Saturday.  I'm going to post one song on Saturdays that the boys or I like. 

The song may be part of a movie, a kid's video or just a song we like. It may or may not include words. I'll try and include why we like it and/or the history of the song/singer.

This week I'm featuring a band I heard on a whim. It's relaxing. The band is called Iron and Wine.

Sam Beam is the singer, and an excellent song writer. He wrote many songs that were not featured on any CD. He sings different songs live. It's cool because it gives his audience new things to hear, but it makes the songs difficult to track down. 

I love the dancing and clapping in this video. 

Boy With a Coin

This next video is not their video. I just really love the song. Their video is disabled from embedding on YouTube. 

Freedom Hangs Like Heaven

Friday, October 19, 2012

Fall Festival

On Friday we had a Fall Festival to go to for Mica's elementary school. They don't have a class party; instead they have one big massive fall party. It's full of games, prizes, cake walks, bouncers, food and a haunted house. Many come dressed up.

Daddy and I didn't plan on dressing up. Then last minute Daddy said, "Where's that scary mask I own?" He decided to wear that along with one of my dresses. Ha Ha! I was waiting for Daddy to dress up and Isaak to finish dinner, so I decided to join in on the dressing up to. I have to dress up for work, so I usually have a costume for that anyhow.

Here's Daddy:

He got some pretty good stares, some kids avoided passing him (gee I wonder why?) and he got a lot of laughs.

Here I am:

I'll do much better on the makeup for Halloween. Remember I was rushing.

Here are the boys:

Isaak might be Buzz Light Year for Halloween. We haven't decided. That costume is from Mica. I most certainly didn't want to mess with wings for the Fall Festival. I'm glad we got a lot of use out of Batman and Super-Man! The Y had a super hero party and the boys dress up a lot in those costumes.

Here's Mica with one of his friends from school:

His friend begged Mica to go through the haunted house one more time. Mica did. Then his friend shut his eyes through the whole thing. Mica claims haunted houses do not scare him one bit. He's been asking to go to real ones that he sees advertised on billboards. I said, "Not until you are 10 or so." Even his cousin that is in middle school can't handle some of those.

*Note for next year: Make a few cakes. We got there early and they were already out of cakes for the Cake Walk. I kind of forgot about it this year. I didn't much see it advertised. I'll make a few next year. I always liked Cake Walks when I was a kid.

*Note for now: Any costume goes for Halloween. That's the fun of it. Look at my husband above! I have to say that I'm sick of the sexy costumes for girls and women! It's like we don't even have a choice. It's almost easier to dress up as a man than it is to dress up as a woman. I'm most certainly not going to dress up for work all sexy. I hate that young girls do not have a choice. Sexy is practically the only option.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Go Outback Tonight

We took my parents out to dinner on Thursday night. We went to Outback Steakhouse.

It's my parents favorite. We like it to!

I love that they have colors and good coloring sheets to keep the kids busy! Some restaurants have coloring sheets, but they are full of word puzzles that Isaak needs a lot of help doing. I like being able to have adult conversation and not have to help him with word searches.

Isaak's rocking the coloring thing! He's staying in the lines and drawing wise is making recognizable people now. They are still stick figures, but I can tell they are people. He now says that blue is his favorite color, but for a long time he said that he likes all the colors. You can see in this coloring image that he likes all the colors somewhat still. :)

Mica wanted to sit next to Grandma. He loves her!

Then the boys had to go potty. 

Mica went; it seemed he washed his hands. He had a paper towel and was drying his hands off. Daddy said, "Wash your hands Mica."
Mica said, "I did!"
Grandpa and Daddy looked at each other oddly; wondering how he had washed his hands. He was in the stall.
They got back to the table and Grandpa and Daddy said, "Ya we still don't know how Mica washed his hands!"
We all sort of said, "Mica did you wash your hands in the urinal?"
Mica said, "No I washed them in a sink! I swear!"
They went to investigate. We all swore that he might have washed his hands in a urinal. Well Mica was right! Here's the stall sink:

Antique Doll

I've always been a doll lover. I know some people get scared of them. I never really understood why. They are just an item.

This one has been in the family for years:

I remember my Dad would let me hold this doll once in awhile; as he watched me. He would get her down from his closet and I would smile as she was put in my hands.

She's not perfect. One set of eyelashes are present, while the others are off. She used to make a noise as you rocked her from the lay down position to the upright. I can still feel her voice box, but it is very faint.

This doll lover part of me wishes I would have had one girl. One girl to pass them on to. Maybe someday I'll have granddaughters or a daughter in law that will love them as much as I do.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

WW: Ghoul Bus {Linky}

The boys made Ghoul Buses at the Lowe's Clinic. If you haven't gone to their clinics I strongly recommend checking them out! They get a project, apron and patch once they've completed the project. The best things are the bonding experience and the fact that it's free!

I loved that they made a Ghoul Bus because we have a book that goes along with the theme.

I got to iron on more patches. That's better than sewing them though. I use a hair straightener to iron them. It works perfectly.

Guess what we read when we got home from the clinic? The Haunted Ghoul Bus of course.

Do you like the pumpkin that Isaak picked out at the Pumpkin Patch? It's full of warts. Maybe we'll have to paint it up to look like a witch.

Since Halloween is right around the corner Mica is all about dressing up. In this one he doesn't have a mouth. The mouth is the mustache.

Preschool Conferences

Last night I went to conferences for Isaak. I fist watched my nephews, so my sister and brother-in-law could go to Elijah's conferences. Our boys still have swimming lessons, so Daddy stayed behind and took the boys to those. 

Just a side note - Daddy acted the same way I do when I take the boys to swimming lessons; done in every which way. He was racing around, trying to get them to go to bed ASAP. That's why I give them showers at the Y; have them put PJs there to.

The initial reason why we signed Mica and our nephew Evan up for the preschool Isaak and nephew Elijah go to now is the fact that they have conferences. I hear my co-workers complain about school conferences. I happen to like going and hearing their progress, what they can and can't do. I'm sure I'll get sick of conferences as the boys get older. At preschool level I get to hear a bunch of funny stories. 

Isaak's right on track academically. He's actually ahead in many areas. I'm just judging what Mica did in Kindergarten. 
  • Isaak understands patterns. In fact he was doing more advanced patterns than what the teacher was presenting. She would present red, yellow, red... Isaak said something like, "How about we do three reds, two yellows, three reds and two yellows.
  •  He understands rhyming. The teacher would put the word "man" down and take the "m" away. She'd start to replace the "m" with something else and Isaak would say what the word is before she'd even have the letter in place.
  • He knows how to do basic addition. The teacher would hold up on one hand a certain number of objects and other objects in her other hand. Isaak was able to give her a number as to how many were there.
  • He works well independently and in groups.
  • He is starting to enjoy writing. Sure it looks nothing like Mica's writing, but he likes to try and write words out.
  • His drawings are becoming more recognizable.
  • He knows his shapes, colors, numbers and letters for the most part.
  • They never have problem with behavior. Isaak's always nice there.
  • They think it's good that Isaak's in a different preschool because he has to learn how to play in bigger groups, and he's not always with his cousin Elijah. Isaak relies on Elijah and Mica for comfort with playing. If we take Isaak to a park without his brother or cousin he doesn't want to play with kids he doesn't know. If one of them are with him he'll play.
Just like with everything, and everyone there are things he can work on.
  • He baby talks. I'm not sure why. We have no baby at our house. I still hear, "Me like to do this." in a baby voice. His teachers say they correct him when he does that. We need to start doing that to. I was going the "ignore route" hoping it would go away on it's own.
  • He can't skip. For some reason boys pick that up after girls.
  • He counts to 13 and then skips numbers after that. Once you get him on the right track, he counts right after that.
  • He gets the letters q, d, b and p mixed up. Then numbers 6 and 9 mixed up. That's typical for kids up in to first, second grade to have that problem. 
  • He shows an interest in tying shoes. We're supposed to start working with him on that.
  • Get this: With this preschool he has the problem of being too loud! They said he talks nonstop, in a loud voice. With the other preschool he has the problem of being too quiet. This preschool he's gone to for the second year, there are less kids and his cousin goes there.
Funny stories:
  • The kids like to play like they are puppies. This doesn't surprise me at all. Isaak has about 5 stuffed dogs on his bed. Well all the kids were acting like dogs. Mrs. K had to be the dog catcher. They would all make puppy noises. Mrs. K would give them pretend treats. She would make them do tricks. Finally the teachers had enough of the pretend puppies. They said, "NO more puppy play." What did the kids do? They all pretended to be cats. The teachers said, "NO cats they can't even do tricks." I assured them that I would not send along Scooby Graham Crackers that look like dog biscuits. 
  • Then Isaak was playing in the sand pile with two other boys. They were making sand pies. One kid took Isaak's pie right out of his hands. The teachers never tell the kids to, "Share". Figuring things out on their own is part of development. Now they don't let them beat up on each other, or anything crazy like that. The teacher asked the boy that took Isaak's pie if he asked to play with it? He said, "Isaak can I have your pie?" Isaak said, "Actually can I have my pie?" The boy asked again if he could have it. Isaak shrugged and left the scene to go do something else. 

Monday, October 15, 2012

This Last Weekend Was Full of Birthday Parties

Isaak was invited to a tea birthday party from someone he goes to preschool with. I thought it would be a good for him to go. Mica has had a few party thing to go to. Isaak gets left out of birthday party events. I kind of wish that I could have dropped Isaak off and picked him up later. Then I could go shopping and Mica wouldn't be part of the party. Isaak and his cousin Elijah were being shy. I could just see tears happen if I would have just left them there. They invited Mica in on the participation. I thanked them dearly for that.

We got the little girl a Golden Book Puzzle and Golden Book. Aunt Terra called me in the morning and asked what I had gotten her. I told her and she hadn't gotten anything yet. What did Terra whip up? She sewed her a super hero cape with a letter "E" on it for her first name and a mask. She's good at sewing! I swear if she didn't have so much on her plate she could have her own Etsy shop.

The birthday party had all kinds of dress up clothes set out for the kids.

Isaak was a giraffe:

Mica kept switching costumes and Elijah didn't want to be anything.

The strangest thing about this birthday party was that they served wine for the adults. I thought it was odd seeing that we were there in the middle of the day with preschoolers. To each their own I guess. It's true that everyone is different. This world would be a very boring world if we were all the same!

Then we had Grandma Spiehs' birthday party the next day. I'm lame and didn't get a photo of her. 

We got her some kitchen stuff and a Hallmark ornament. 

Here's some of the boy cousins:

Technology wins. Cousin Ethan was on the couch; he was so absorbed in what he was doing that he didn't even know Cousin Evan was behind him.

Emerson was tuckered out and fussy. He's hard to get to go to sleep. Aunt Angela got him down. Boy does he snore! HA

It's kind funny that I got this shot. Angela never likes her picture taken. Put a baby in her hands and she'll allow you to take a picture. I don't mind mine taken, but I'm always the one snapping the shots of everyone else.

The kids played well for the most part. Isaak and Cousin Elijah were wrestling and a book was swiped into Elijah's back. There were tears over that one, but no blood. Last week I was told that Elijah threw a train at Isaak. Isaak came out in tears and said something like, "He threw 2 trains at me!" Elijah said from the back room, "He's lying! I only threw 1 train at Isaak!" Usually they play pretty good together. They are boys. I've learned that boys like to play rough!

Christmas Shots Take One

I have to re-shoot these. I've never been very good with night time photography. My idea for a Christmas postcard this year revolves around darkness. I don't want to make the boys all lit up because then you can't see the Christmas lights. I'm thinking I need Daddy to hold or a clip light above to point down at the boy's faces. To act like a spot light. Then I'll have my shots down. It's too bad because I got some good expressions. You just can't see them very well.

I'm going to Photoshop Duct Tape over their faces. Then the text will say, "Silent Night". There will be a disclaimer at the bottom saying something to the effect of, "Children were not harmed during this photoshoot. Tape was not actually used on them." Then no one will get in a panty bunch saying, "Oh my God did you see what they did to their children! That's child abuse!" Although knowing my kids, they would think it's funny more then abusive.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

There's Always Tomorrow

Ok so not only was Isaak grumpy last week, so was I. Maybe it's because of his behavior that made me grumpy, maybe I just was grumpy.

This weekend Mica sang this song while we were in a parking lot. It just reminded me that there really is always a tomorrow!

Passing it On

Mail4Rosey nominated me for The Versatile Blogger Award. Thank you!


Add award logo to your blog post and thank the person who nominated you & link back to them
List 7 random facts about yourself (already did this)
Pass award along to 7 other bloggers
Inform each nominee about the award by posting on their blog site comment section

 List 7 random facts about yourself (I'll try and think of things you don't know; kind of hard since I write about everything.)
  1. I never know what to think of awards like this. It's an honor, at the same time it's work finding other blogs to award and notifying them. I generally feel like I'm passing on an award and more work for them to do. HA HA It's kind of like chain mail. It's cool, but busy work.
  2. I took photos for our Christmas card tonight. I hope they are going to work. Otherwise it's retake time.
  3. I was super shy as a kid. I also struggled in school. I always worry about my kids being the same way as me. Mica's doing great though. Isaak's too little to tell. I went on to grad school, so I didn't do horrible after all.
  4. I can no longer wear shoes with heels. I have special arch supports. That pretty much limits what I can wear shoe wise.
  5. I don't wear a lot of make-up. I don't like going out of the house without lipstick on though. My favorite color to wear has to be a bronze color.
  6. I like spring and summer much better than fall and winter. Sure fall is pretty, but it's also a sign that it's going to get cold, lifeless and dark outside.
  7. I love reworking old furniture. It's fun and rewarding.
Pass award along to 7 other bloggers (I'm putting in blogs to check out. I'm not passing it on. If you want the award, claim it. I'm not hear to give you more work to do.)

  1. A Nut in a Nutshell
  2. Jumpin Beans 
  3. Are We There Yet!! My Travel Blog
  4. Two Bears Farm
  5. Of Mice and Ramen
  6. Go Graham Go!
  7. Cheapskate Blethering
Check out the blogs, they rock!

NuNaturals Review

I got a lot of stuff in the mail from NuNaturals to try and out. It's all so good.

Their newest product is PreSweet Tagatose.

It's a natural substitute to sugar and has probiotics in it. They help boost the immune system. I love it because I go through spurts of having tummy issues. Probiotics help boost my immune system. This is a new product to the US. It's sweetener found in milk, fruits and vegetables. It is 92% as sweet as sugar. It contains only 6 calories per serving.

I also got 100 packets of White Stevia Powder.

We use 1 packet for two cups of coffee.

I was really excited to get a lot of other sweeteners for baking.

I know I'll use vanilla and coco extracts the most. They are so good! 

NuNaturals pretty much spoiled me big time! 

I decided to make two different kinds of peanut butter from scratch. Then I added different sweeteners in them. This process would have gone a whole lot faster if I would have gotten peanuts out of the shells. I knew the boys would enjoy taking the shells off. 

Isaak in particular loved taking the peanuts out of their shells. He told me that he wants to make peanut butter for a living.

Making peanut butter is super easy. I never realized how easy it is. You just stick the peanuts in a food processor and wiz it up until it starts to form balls inside the processor. I let it run a little longer than that. It's really a matter of how chunky you like your peanut butter.

I wanted to try to make two different peanut butters to experiment with flavors with the sweeteners.

I added Flax Seed to both. I buy Whole Golden Flax Seed and grind mine up with a coffee grinder.

Recipe for Peanut Butter using PreSweet Tagatose:

1 cup peanut butter.
1/8 cup ground flaxseed
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
2 teaspoons PreSweet Tagatose
I added enough water to make it stir well, about 4 teaspoons

The boys and I loved it!

Recipe for Peanut Butter using Pure Liquid Vanilla Stevia and Pure Liquid Cocoa Bean Extract:

1 cup peanut butter
1/8 cup ground flaxseed
2 Tablespoons coconut oil 
6 drops Pure Liquid Stevia
6 drops Pure Liquid Cocoa Bean Extract
I added enough water to make it stir well, about 4 teaspoons

The boys and I loved this one to. It does have a hint of coconut flavor from the oil, but it's not super strong.  

Overall I love the NuNaturals products. They ship fast and taste really good!

Check out their facebook page, twitter page and recipes

Disclaimer: The opinions on the post are my personal take on the product. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. I am not compensated to provide my opinion except for receiving the products themselves to test out. I received samples from NuNaturals to assist with this review. I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review.