Saturday, January 19, 2013

Sing, Sing a Song Saturday

I started doing what I call Sing, Sing a Song Saturday.  I'm going to post one song on Saturdays that the boys or I like. 

The song may be part of a movie, a kid's video or just a song we like. I'll try and include why we like it and/or the history of the song/singer.

This next band is the most unique I've heard in a long time! Have you ever heard Mongolian music? I don't think I have. It's very different from ours! I can some people hating it because it is so different. The band I'm featuring today is called Khusugtun. They play a variety of instruments. One thing that makes them along with other cultures so different, is the way they handle their voices. They have one person within their band that does what is called deep throat singing. Alone deep throat singing is disturbing to me. Mixed with singing and other instruments, I find it to be interesting. One person that teaches this method of singing said the best way to practice is to learn to bark like a dog. Kind of odd, but you used the back of your throat to deep throat sing. You will have to be the judge if this kind of music is fascinating or disturbing to you.

They have great culture heritage and valuable folk sound in their band. 

This song is called Altergana.

Like Khusugtun on Facebook here.


Grandma and Grandpa Spiehs took Isaak to see an iMax movie yesterday.

Grandpa kept trying to get Isaak to wear his 3D glasses. He would not leave them on.

At dinner I asked Isaak about the movie. He said, "I don't remember what it was called. Grandpa kept trying to get me to wear the glasses, but I didn't want to wear them!" I said, "Why?" Isaak said, "Because those glasses scared me Mom. When I put them on I felt like I was in the movie. That scared me!"


Thursday, January 17, 2013

I'm Thankful

Even though I've been really sick this week, I'm still thankful! I started feeling better Monday night, then on Tuesday I taught, then on Wednesday I taught. I talked too much, and over did myself. I've been drinking a ton of water, tea and one Emergen-C drink a day.

Besides feeling all crappy, I'm still thankful.
I'm thankful for my assistants that help me in the classroom. They did some of my talking for me.

I'm thankful that my kids never outgrew cuddle time. If anything, they fight over who is going to cuddle with me.

I'm thankful for my husband that will make dinner, help with the kids and gives me back rubs.

I'm thankful for my parents that help take care of Isaak. They are also so kind to check up on me.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

WW: Box Seats {Linky}

The boys had a creative streak on Sunday.

Isaak put on his Lowes Clinic apron backwards. He was pretending it was a Superman cape. He was humming the Superman theme song and running around with his arms extended like he was flying around the house. They were introduced to the Christopher Reeve's Superman series last week.

Later on they pretended that our house was covered with ice. Isaak kept saying, "The walls and floor are cracking." They jumped up on our new hallway rug because it was their boat. They were ready to sail away from the ice.

Even later I made lunch and came into the living room to see them like this:

They took boxes and turned them into seats. I was going to use one of those boxes to wrap a gift in. Oh well. They were having fun!

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I joined Pinterest. If you follow me, I'll follow back. :)
If you have a moment, please enter my Vitacost $25 GC Giveaway!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Check Out Children's Place Monster Sale!

It's kind of nice to be able to type and communicate. This Momma still has no voice. It's day 3 of not having one. I made Daddy run out to Walgreens this morning to pick up my antibiotics. The doctor at the Urgent Care said that what I have is more than likely viral. Antibiotics wouldn't touch it. She wrote out a script anyhow. I told her I'd wait to get that script filled after a few days. The few days are up, and I still feel the same. All weekend was frustrating getting after Isaak in particular. He's a typical 4 year old. They were overall very good. Isaak kept saying, "What? I can't hear you." every time I talked to him. Then running a few errands was hard to. Isaak is just like how Mica used to be. Store time switches on some kind of switch in his body, which makes him punk like. I attempt to have him walk, then when he acts up he gets grabbed in the football hold and put in the cart. I have to say he is better by himself. Around Mica, Isaak feels the need to act up. One thing is very different when it comes to Isaak compared to Mica, not seeing me terrifies him. I find that to be great. Not that I want him terrified. It's just that Mica had no fear. He would just run off ahead, happily.

Online shopping is the best!

This is the time to shop for winter things! So much is on clearance. I got an email from Children's Place. I have to be honest, as my boys have aged I don't like their stuff as much as I used to. I LOVE their baby selection, but the kids is just ok. I decided to check out their sale. I just picked up 2 sweaters, 1 pair of boots, 1 pair of pjs all for $30! I get mainly for Mica, since Isaak gets all of Mica's clothes. I did get them matching sweaters in different colors. I know Mica would have liked the blue sweater, but all they had was red in his size. There may be conflict. Oh well! This stuff is for next year. If you decide to check out their sale go here and type in this code at check out to get even a better deal: C5K113EM. Somehow I got free shipping to! SCORE!

 All pictures were found on Children's Place website.
I was not paid, or supplied anything to write this.
I only wrote this because I wanted to share the deal I got. Maybe you'll be interested to!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Vitacost Review and $25 GC Giveaway

Vitacost sent me a box full of great healthy snacks, drinks, toothbrushes, toothpaste and more. Vitacost takes the cost our of healthy living. Right now they have a lot on sale; go check them out!

The boys and I sampled the protein bars and drinks. I enjoyed both of them. Many of their foods are organic, gluten free and contain ingredients that stand out like Omega-3, which helps with brain development.

I was really excited to try out the honey that Vitacost sent me!

I decided to try their Natural RAW Honey out. I made Protein Bites! They are so good and easy to make!

The boys gobbled them up with smiles on their faces.

Thank you Vitacost for all the items they sent my way to help out with this review and giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: The opinions on the post are my personal take on the product. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. Unless stated otherwise, giveaways are US readers only. I am not compensated to provide my opinion except for receiving the products themselves to test out. I did receive a free product to help with this giveaway.
The Apel's The Apel's The Apel's The Apel'sThe Apel's

A Late Christmas Program

Isaak finally had one of his preschool programs this week. It was postponed because of the snow we had. His other school just canceled theirs. I was fine with that.

The program included not just Isaak, but cousin Elijah to.

Getting there was interesting. The boys had to be there by 6, smack dab during rush hour. At least around here rush hour isn't as bad as other places. Grandma and Grandpa Spiehs ran into a traffic stand still. We had to stop off at home to grab a few things, and had to wait for a train to pass by.

Here is Isaak and Cousin Elijah:

The people in front of me kept on moving. I kept getting blurry hair in my shots. Here's Elijah and Isaak. I think the shot I got of Elijah was my favorite! I kept wanting to go up on stage and push Isaak's hair dress back out of his eyes.

Here are a few funny faces I captured. Elijah was getting ready to sneeze or yawn. I'm not sure what Isaak's face was about. He looked silly though.