Saturday, December 14, 2013

Sing, Sing a Song Saturday

Sing, Sing a Song Saturday is all about me discovering something that is different to post. I don't want to post things that you and I have more than likely heard before. I want to find something different. It could be from another country, someone singing from the streets of NY, and more.

This week I'm posting a band that Spotify thought I'd like. The first band that they recommended for me I thought was just ok. The next band sparked something. It's called Whitley.

Whitley was born in Melbourne, Australia. He blends organic acoustic sounds with electronic overtones creating songs with a story.

He used to be in punk bands. He had a realization and was converted to the “songs that made sense” and started listening to traditional country and folk music.

The Life I Keep

Lost in Time

Facades II

Like him on Facebook.
Follow him on Twitter.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Random Tid Bits

  1. I'm excited because I get to leave work early today to go help Isaak's class make gingerbread houses. I bought some fun stuff to decorate them. 
  2. On Saturday I get together with my Mom and sisters to decorate sugar cookies.
  3. This last weekend I made banana bread galore. My Grandpa, my aunt that is single, my in-laws, and the boy's teachers all get 2 small loaves of bread + other things.
  4. Next week is finals week. I'll be busy!
  5. A local artist, college teacher passed away this last weekend. She died on her shows opening night. I didn't know her well at all. I don't know if she even knew my name. Every time I saw her she had a smile on her face. She looked like she loved life. I've been thinking about her all week. She was fairly young. I feel for her friends and family. Such a beautiful soul.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

A Pocket That Girls Do Not Have

The other day Isaak stepped into the bathroom to go potty, while I was putting on my makeup. 

Isaak: "Mom did you know that you can go to the bathroom with your underwear still on?"

Me: "Really?"

Isaak: "Ya! I have a penis pocket. I don't have to pull my underwear down at all!"

Me: "Oh ya. I can't do that bud."

Luckily he was so into what he was doing, and excited that he didn't have to pull his underwear down, that he didn't ask, "Why?"

A few days before that we went to a holiday gallery event.

I wanted to get through the 3 floors because the boys were with us. I no longer worry about them touching artwork. They know better. They still however get a little stir crazy, walk fast, and pick on each other.

We passed a series of photographs on the wall. None of them were revealing.

Mica: "Mom I can't believe that they'd put up a piece of two people having sex!"

Me: "What?"

Mica pointing at a photograph of two people kissing: "Look at that one!"

Me: "Ok Mica. If that's what you think sex is right now, I'm ok with that."


I know many people have a theme with their tree. Do you? We don't. I just like classic ornaments. Classic toys, or classic as in pretty.

Years ago Mica loved peacocks. I know it's an odd animal for a little boy to love, but he liked their beauty. You wouldn't want them to live by your own home. They eat whatever. They're a scavenger bird really. His eyes lit up when we went to the zoo to see them. He argued with a farmer in preschool that there were in fact peacocks on the farm. Daddy said, "He's right there are peacocks on some farms." Daddy had a neighbor growing up that had peacocks, and other farm animals. I got Mica a Folkmanis Peacock Puppet. It still sits on his bed. I took him loving peacocks as a sign to get peacock inspired ornaments for our tree.

The ornament to the left was made by a friend of ours last year. She didn't know I love the peacock ornaments.

I have a handful of these Russian looking ornaments to. They look like dreidel tops to me. A classic toy.

A lot of people told me I'd never be able to have a pretty tree with having kids. They told me that kids and glass do not mesh. You have to get fun ornaments when you have kids. Knock on wood, only 1 or 2 ornaments have broken. None of them were my favorites. I've had more hangers fall off ornaments than kids breaking them.

Here's an all glass ornament.

We have some fun ornaments to. Most of them are classic toys. Both boys have a yellow submarine.

My Mom loves Hallmark, so we have some Hallmark ornaments.

If you celebrate Christmas, what is one of your favorite ornaments? How do you decorate your tree?

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Oh Toys R Us!

Toys R Us is starting to annoy me. They put out a holiday gift guide last weekend.

Mica spotted their K'Nex Yellow Submarine Building Set on their site.

I buy when I know my kids will play with a toy. This toy wouldn't even be for Christmas. It would be stashed away for a birthday, or Easter. They have a deal to buy one, get one 1/2 off. I'm all about saving when I see a deal. They have none available online to purchase. Then I called the store to see if they had any, nope. They said, "It doesn't look promising that any store has one."

With the technology we have today, they should be able to tell what is selling, and have back stock. If it's advertised, than they should have it. Otherwise don't advertise it! I get if I waited until the end of the week to buy because it's Christmas time, but I looked at the beginning. Right after the ad came out!

What if that was the gift my kids wanted for Christmas? Their dream toy wouldn't be purchased for sure.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

WW: Bass Pro Shop {Linky}

We took the boys on Sunday to Bass Pro Shop to see Santa.

The boys each had a letter.

Mica's had something written down for himself and me. Daddy peeked to see what he had written for me to receive. It's a ring with Mica's name on it. Daddy's busy making a ring with not just Mica's name on it, but Isaak's name to.

Isaak's letter had pictures drawn of things that Santa likes. Mica said, "Isaak you're supposed to write on there what you want." I reminded Mica that it's no big deal, and that Isaak saw Santa in the mall a few weeks ago to tell him what he wanted.

Mica was a little bent out of shape because there was snow on the ground, so he couldn't wear his nice shoes to see Santa. Snow boots it was.

We took pictures by their fireplace.

They got a sample of fudge.

 Then they got to see Santa.

That's when the trouble started. Isaak gave Daddy his candy cane to hold onto. Well Daddy left it on a barrel, while they were shooting wooden ducks with a kid's bow and arrow. Someone threw that candy cane away, or ate it. Then a slight melt down occurred. Luckily there was plenty of stuff around to distract him: They raced cars, colored, and more. Later on Isaak did get a candy cane from a gallery we went to.

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Monday, December 9, 2013


The boy's Thanksgiving and Halloween papers that were up on the classroom walls finally went into their backpacks.

Here's Mica's Thankful Tree:

In case you can't read it here's what he's thankful for: Ms. Pederson (his teacher), Thanksgiving, Safety, Having a Heart, Universe, Big Bang, Being Alive, and Technology.

No where on there is: Mom, Dad, Isaak, and Family. This kid cracks me up.

Happly Waisting Time

The boys were cranky on Saturday. I know exactly why; they stayed up until 10, or later on Friday.

Daddy, Grandpa (my Dad) and I went to gallery openings Friday night. We left the boys with Grandma (my Mom) because she graciously volunteered to watch them. The boys aren't horrible at openings if we have the portable DVD player. The only problem is, is that they expect a movie, and gallery snacks as soon as they walk in the door. I was hoping to train them better, but they are boys with lots of energy, and short attention spans. It helped my outlook when we walked in the gallery and I saw two little girls sitting on the ground watching Turbo.

Daddy likes to mingle. It's good for him to make those connections. I on the other hand like to look, and leave. I get antsy. Isn't it usually the girl that likes to shop and talk, and the guy that likes to look and leave? With gallery openings it's the opposite.

A few of Daddy's new pieces. The first on is a large steel piece, with wire and painted metal balls. The second one is done in resin. You can see more of his work here.

The boys woke up grumpy on Saturday. Daddy had a really hard time understanding why they were so sassy. I knew why. They are always that way when they stay up late the night before.

Daddy left for most of the day on Saturday, and went to a holiday art show where his work is at. I went to take the boys to get our hair cuts. We came back home and Isaak and Mica actually took a nap. It was so nice having the grumpy boys sleeping soundly in their beds.

When they woke up we happily wasted time with Photo Booth. Have you ever played with Photo Booth before? You can pick effects to make yourselves all distorted. The boys giggled and laughed themselves crazy. Then when Daddy got home they wanted him to try it out to.

We look like we seriously have a rare disorder of some kind.

These are our only normal shots, minus the hearts above our heads.

My never ending forehead. I look like I have hair from the B52s.

Mica the magician.

We're a cute couple, don't you think?

My cute deformed children.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Christmas Stockings

People have asked me, "What do you put in your kid's stockings?" They think it's difficult since I have boys. With girls you can put hair things, jewelery, fingernail polish and more.

But what do you put in a boy's stocking? Let's face it underwear and socks aren't that fun!

I'm not giving my boys all these things featured. I'm sure the Easter Bunny will leave a few of the things. All the things are stocking stuffer size.

Stuck on You pencil cases. I love things that can be personalized!

A Stuck on You Bag Tag. {Front and Back}

Crafty things. My boys love tape, so they've gotten it the last few years. You could get colored pencils, fun cutting scissors, markers, single hole punchers, Model Magic, Play-Doh, clay and more.

 Fun erasers, pencils, stationery are all fun for boys, or girls. Below I found a Lego stationery set. The erasers are shaped like Legos. I am thinking the Easter Bunny is going to leave these sets (I have two).

Lego Minifigures work well for stockings, and gift toppers. I keep them around for birthday party present toppers.

Knucklehead Wrist bands. I thought Isaak would like these.

Sure socks can be boring, but slipper socks with their favorite characters on them become fun.

Books! Reading is good all the time.

Movies! You could have a whole stocking prepped for a movie night. Put in a DVD, movie theater candy, and microwave popcorn.

Other ideas:
  • Fruit
  • Fun Refreezable Ice Blocks for their school lunches
  • Cloth Reuseable sandwich bags for their school lunches - I found Marvel character ones last year.
  • A Tooth Fairy box
  • Gift Cards
  • Character Band-Aids
  • Temporary Tattoos
  • Stickers
  • Flashcards 
  • A Character Switch Plate for their bedroom
  • Polished Stones
  • Travel Card Games
  • Video Games
If you celebrate Christmas, what do you put in your Christmas stockings?