Saturday, August 30, 2014

Sing, Sing a Song Saturday

Sing, Sing a Song Saturday is all about me discovering something that is different. I don't want to post things that you and I have more than likely heard before. I want to find something different. It could be from another country, someone singing from the streets of NY, and more.

Michael Winslow is an American actor, and comedian billed as the "Man of 10,000 Sound Effects" for his ability to make realistic sounds using only his voice. 

I've haven't seen Michael Winslow in Police Academy, and Spaceballs. I know what's wrong with me that I've never seen those movies? I have heard his voice in the Gremlins. He's been the voice in many cartoons as well.

I didn't know the power of his sound effects.

Michael was born September 6, 1958, as the youngest of six brothers. His mom told stories about when he was young he would imitate the airplanes, jet engines, basically anything that made a noise he copied with sounds that came out of his mouth.

“Growing up in the Air Force Base made it difficult to have friends, so I created imaginary friends, dogs, cats, trucks, anything that would keep me occupied for the moment” says Michael.

Check out Michael Winslow's website.
Like Michael Winslow on Facebook.
Follow Michael Winslow on Twitter.
Subscribe to Michael Winslow on YouTube.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Random Tid Bits

  1. What to do when the boys won't focus? In our house we either put them to bed early, or have them go out to do yard work.

  2. Cops the show was here in Omaha filming. You know the show: Bad boys, bad boys, what ya going to do? What ya going to do when he comes for you? A guy went to rob a Wendy's. The Cops Crew was with the Omaha police. The robber pulled out a BB gun, and fired shots. The BB gun looked and sounded like a real gun (see picture below). The robber was a threat to everyone around, so the officer shot and killed the robber. A stray bullet hit the sound guy from Cops, and killed him to. It's a pretty crazy story. You can read about it here. The robber was a repeat offender. His family thinks he shouldn't of gotten killed. He was the one reasponsible for all this going down. If it weren't for that robber, the sound guy from Cops would still be alive.

    This is where the story gets even crazier. The Omaha mayor (lady in blue) signed a contract with the Cops Crew saying that from such and such date, to such and such date Omaha was not liable if something happens to any of their crew. After the contract was up, Omaha would be liable. It was 4 days after the contract was up. Why the show was still with our police is questionable if their contract was up. Now the city of Omaha might be taken to court. It's all still up in the air as to what's going to happen.

    The teen behind the counter was terrified. She had a little newborn baby at home. I'm so glad she wasn't another casualty in this mess!

  3. Source
  4. Mica started doing Common Core math this year. He's struggling to understand it. Homework is taking longer than it should because he doesn't understand it. Daddy helps him because they get home before I get home. They also leave later in the morning than I do. Daddy said, "At first I do not get his homework, but once I look at the example it makes sense." It's an adjustment that I knew was going to happen sometime. We'll just keep plugging away at it. 

  5. I'm happy that this weekend coming up is a long one. 

  6. My boys were super happy to do the ice bucket challenge. I know they don't really get what ALS is, but they did enjoy getting cold water dumped on their heads. We still got the word out, and donated. I never thought that kids would get excited to get ice water dumped on their heads.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Emerson's #Case Study

A case study went up for my Nephew Emerson. You can read his study here, and look at other studies with kids that have Trisomy 18 here.

It's important that more people learn about Trisomy 18. Emerson actually has partial Trisomy 18.

His medical story is now in this case study.

My sister said to share it. Please read and learn about Emerson!

Just a little extra:

I've been searching for a YouTube version of Cuerdas. It's Spanish for Strings. All I could find was a facebook embedded video. Now I found a YouTube one, so I can share. Yes it's in Spanish, but you can figure out what it means without knowing any Spanish. I just love the message of the short!

Lowes Clinic

We showed up to the Lowes Clinic this weekend. They had all these extra kits on the table.

You know how your eyes are bigger than your tummy at meal times? Well Isaak's eyes were bigger than his attention span.

He wanted to do 3 sets. Mica wanted to do 2.

Isaak is pretty dependent, and Mica is independent.

Luckily they were pretty easy projects. I have to say with Isaak's last 2 sets I earned the patches. Then when we got home I ironed on those 5 new patches. These are their 2nd aprons.

I had to take more than a few pictures. The sun is always in Isaak's eyes lately. Even in shady spots.

Hydracentials Sporty 25 oz Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle Review

I'm a water drinker. At work I go through a lot of water. 

I bring my own water to work. I bring water because...
  • Omaha has the 7th worst drinking water in America. 
  • My work only has water that is out of the faucet, with no filter. 
  • I'm still trying to work at loosing weight. To do that flushing out my system with water is so very important. I need to keep track of how much I drink. 
  • I'm in the classroom much of the time, so water needs to be in something covered to prevent spills.
I don't like to drink out of plastic because of the chemicals in it. Also if I do want tea, plastic can't go in the microwave. Up to this point I've been drinking out of empty Marzetti Salad Dressing glass jars. They have lids, and can be microwaved.

There is a slight problem I have with drinking out of glass; I've dropped 2 of them. They broke, sharp glass pieces, and water went everywhere. Students also joke about how I have moonshine in my glass container. It does look like moonshine.

I got a Hydracentials Sporty 25 oz Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle to Review.

No it can't be microwaved, but there are so many other perks to this water bottle! I still have a glass jar for hot tea at work for tea. Now for the most part it doesn't look like I'm drinking moonshine. 
Price: $34.95, and on sale for $27.95.
  • It has a flip cap and straw for drinking. That helps, so water doesn't spill out when it's being transported.
  • It has a double wall vacuum insulation.
  • Ice will fit in the opening.
  • It really keeps drinks cold for hours. 
  • It's BPA free, and eco friendly.
  • It holds a lot of water (25 ounces to be exact), which is what I need. 
  • It's stylish. I do like the white. For those that do not like white, it's the only value/color it comes in right now.
  • It has a rubber base, so it doesn't clang when you set it down on a table.
  • It fits its easily is most cup holders Product Dimensions: 12" H x 3.25" W Capacity: 25oz (750ml). 
  • It's great for the gym, biking, hiking, and taking all kinds of places.  

What do you drink out of? What is your preferred drink?

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Friend Birthday Party

This weekend Mica got to choose a few friends to do something special for his birthday. It was a low key event. I even told them not to worry about gifts.

They went to see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and ate cake and ice cream afterwards. I didn't get the boy's parent's permission to use his photo.

I don't know how this happened, but the boy brought a gift for Mica and for the girl. It was her birthday party the week before, and he missed it. It wasn't needed, but he brought them both gifts.

He brought Mica a small Lego set, and a $25 GC to Target. That's more than nice!

The girl's sister called that morning to ask if she could come? We figured that might happen. They invited both our boys to the girl's party the week before. I didn't really care.

So much of me wishes we'd go back to just involving the kid in your kid's grade. Whole families, and siblings are now a package deal. I didn't care in this case, but I want Mica to have special times with his friends - without Isaak included, and the same goes for Isaak. I'd think his friend's parents would feel the same way.

For the record the sister offered to pay for herself. We paid for her. It wasn't about the money. It's just about doing something special with his few chosen friends.

While Daddy took Mica and his friends to the movie, Isaak stayed home, and had a friend of his own over. They dressed up. His friend is much smaller than Isaak is, so Isaak's costume was swimming on his friend. Isaak's friend loves Hot Wheels and all of Isaak's Thomas stuff that I have packed away. He asks to play with that stuff every time.

Once the movie finished up, we had cake and ice cream. Simple, and fun.

The next day we went to Target to spend that $25 GC. Mica said, "I want another Lego set." I refused. He has so many Legos, and he'll get more for Christmas. That's what he asks for.

I convinced him, and Daddy talked with him about getting something more practical. He got a bike helmet. He needed a new one. The other was was too small.

Usually I'm all about kids picking out what they want. When they seem to have a lot already, I just want them to pick out something they could use more than want.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

WW: I Love My Male Family Members {Linky}

We had fun with my Cabbage Patch Kid wig at the last family get together:

My nephew Edison looked so cute! I'm such a cruel Aunt!

My Brother-in-Law Eric looked awesome! 

He is bald. He's such a manly man: Rides a motorcycle, has tattoos, is a fireman. Not to say that girls can't do those things. I thought he would seriously beat me up when I put this wig on him.

My Dad is a natural redhead.

This wig brought back his red hair (he's now full of grey). He's just as silly as I am, so I knew he'd me ok with the wig. He let my sister's and I "Do his Hair" when we were little.

Just for old times sake I took these photos awhile back:

Daddy - My Husband

He to is a manly man.

Mica - My Son

He spotted the wig to begin with. He's such a great actor. 

The Apel's The Apel's The Apel's The Apel's The Apel'sThe Apel's

Monday, August 25, 2014

Off Balance, the American Way of Health Review

I had the chance to review a book called Off Balance The American Way of Health By: Dr. Leyla Ali, PharmD. It's a Pharmacist's perspective on why drugs don't work. This book is a $19.95 value.

You may be wondering, why would a mom of two healthy boys want to read this book? 

Answer: I've been taking drugs off and on for my allergies my whole life. This is the first year that I tried to stay off them as much as possible. I practically feel the same as when I was on them. There were times where I needed that steroid boost of the nasal spray because I simply lost my voice, and couldn't breathe through my nose. I hate resorting to the meds. Yes they helped me to breathe better, but I also can't feel the inside of my nose, and I loose my sense of smell when I take them.

My Dad had a lot of trouble with the heart medicines he was on. He has had surgery, and now takes plant extracts to help with his allergies.

My husband took a light dose of anxiety pills when the boys were babies. He didn't notice it, but I noticed that he lost all interest in doing most anything at first. The doctor changed his dose, and he was better. He gained weight. Later on when he went to wean off the meds. he had to wean ever so slowly. Weaning off anxiety pills can make someone have suicidal thoughts, and/or give them panic attacks.

I'm not saying all medicines are bad. It's just that so many of them have side effects that are far worse than the original symptoms.

Drugs can be a good thing. Both of my kids got really sick as babies. Without antibiotics, they may not be here with us today. Thankfully they had a doctor that told me to give them probiotics. Many doctors don't tell you this, but antibiotics kill off your bodies bacteria. Killing off the infection(s) is good, but it kills off the good bacteria to. I just think many drugs are often over used.

At one point in time, we focused on changing our habits to have a healthier life. Now it seems that many of us go strait to drugs to solve our problems. 

This is a healthy life cycle:

This chart is in Off Balance The American Way of Health - I just retyped it.

Life changed in the 80s and 90s. Now society thinks less about empowering their mind, and health They think more about money, law, insurance, pharmaceutical companies, and politics.

If the Federal Drug Administration has approved a drug, and there are smiling people in the commercials, than the drug must be good right? This is not always right.

Many of the drugs we take today:
  • Create long-term customers;
  • Provide patients with temporary comfort; and
  • Specifically, NOT treat the underlying cause. 
As a fellow American, I used to think of holistic as crazy. Now I've changed my thinking. Holistic practices have been around longer than many commercial drugs we have today.

Holistic medicine...

Treats the whole person, including integration, balance, and harmony of the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social aspects of the individual. They treat the cause. Focuses on what's right with you.

American standard medicine...

Treats physical and mental problems if they are disruptive to someone's life. They treat the symptoms. Focuses on what's wrong with you.

There are many other forms of healthcare that exist, that we just don't hear about in our country. I've listed some, not all that the book covers:
  • Acupuncture- Oriental healing technique. It involves piercing pressure points to relieve pain.
  • Aromatherapy- Therapeutic oils for stress reduction.
  • Ayurveda- Combination of herbs, puratives and oils.
  • Chinese Medicine- The Chinese philosophy is more elaborate than Western Medicine. They see the body, the world, and the universe as one.
  • Color Therapy- It's more physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental. 
  • Flower Essences- Treats anxiety, anger, depression, fear, hopelessness, grief, and abandonment.
A good doctor will try and figure out if you have a bacterial infection, or a viral infection. This will determine if you really do need antibiotics, or not.

Cleansing and Detoxing 

We have toxins that build up in our bodies. It's interesting that we detox our pets, but not ourselves. Why is this needed now, when it wasn't needed before? Because we don't always grow our own. There are pesticides, and antibiotics in our food. So much is prepackaged. We wash our hands, but we don't wash our tummies.

If a doctor is not open to the idea of holistic medicine, you have to weight out if they are a fit for you. Holistic medicine has been practiced longer than the Western medicines that we know of today. 

The key to this book is to have a patient feel better in the long run; not in the short run. Don't just mask your day to day problems. Find the source, and deal with it.

It lets you in on natural things that you can do to help with weight loss, and emotional issues. Yoga, meditation, eating pure and organic foods, and routine exercise helps with a lot of things.


"The contents of the book are not intended to constitute professional advice. The contents are not offered to diagnose, prescribe, prevent, treat, mitigate, or cure any medical condition or disease."

"Do not discontinue prescription medication without the approval of your medical doctor."  - Off Balance The American Way of Health

The Apel'sThe Apel'sThe Apel'sThe Apel'sThe Apel'sThe Apel'sThe Apel's

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Ice Bucket Challenge

I wasn't planning on doing the Ice Bucket Challenge. I love the idea of supporting ALS. It's just that I wondered how pouring water over my head was going to help with the cause.

Every year when it's Breast Cancer Awareness month I get a message on facebook where someone tells me to post on my wall what color of bra I'm wearing. I never have/did. I thought in my head, How is writing down a color going towards helping breast cancer awareness?

I was challenged by a student to do the Ice Bucket Challenge. After reading about the challenge I was for it.

My brother-in-law's father died of Lou Gehrig's Disease. Every time he'd visit he couldn't do something new. It started with him not being able to button, then he fell easy, then he was unable to walk, then unable to breathe and eat, and then he sadly passed away. I've known other people that have had MS.

Yes it's silly dumping water over your head, but if it gets the word out about these illnesses, and people donate then I'm in.

I also watched this video, and was in tears afterwards. It's silly, and odd in the beginning, but turns serious. The guy in the video has ALS.

I'm donating, and I did the challenge with some of my coworkers.