Saturday, March 7, 2015

Btipsy Professional Jumbo Lemon Squeezer Review

I really love fresh squeezed lemonade. I've had a big juicer in the past, but cleaning it was a pain. I felt like it wasted so much of the fruit. With a hand held juicer I feel like I get more out of my fruit.

Btipsy Lemon Squeezer does the job!

Often times I use the rind for muffins, or add soak it in apple cider vinegar for a cleaner. Really there's no fruit waist at all.

You can see how easy Btipsy is to use:

  • 2 squeezed lemons
  • 3 8 ounce glasses of water
  • 2 squirts of NuNaturals Orange Stevia 
Features and Benefits: 
  • High quality stainless steel
  • Fits for lemons, limes, oranges, clementines, mandarins, tangerines, tangelos, and blood oranges
  • Can be used for lemonade, limeade, cocktails, fish recipes, salad dressings, and more
  • Extracts the maximum juice from the squeezed fruit
  • Very little effort is used to extract juice
  • Will not break 
  • Has a 3 year warranty 
  • Has a hanger for easy storage
  • Dishwasher safe and easy to clean
  • Can be used by kids and adults
  • Cost is $39.99 and on sale for $22.79

The only 2 things I do not like about the Btipsy Lemon Squeezer: 
  • It's made in China. 
  • I was also confused on the name. The promotion had it called Bitpsy and on the box it's called Btipsy.
Overall I really like Btipsy! It's easy to use. I really got a lot of juice out compared to another juicer I have.

We've talked about making our own salad dressing, so this will come in handy. 

 Do you buy juice, or do you juice it yourself? 

 The Apel's The Apel's The Apel's The Apel's The Apel'sThe Apel'sThe Apel's

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. 

Sing, Sing a Song Saturday

Sing, Sing a Song Saturday is all about me discovering something that is different. I don't want to post things that you and I have more than likely heard before. I want to find something different. It could be from another country, someone singing from the streets of NY, and more.

I ran into something I found interesting this week. Did you know that cats do not prefer human music? I never really gave that too much thought. I don't have any fur babies. I like them, but my allergies do not.

Source: Photo by Flickr user Adria vidal
PBS posted an article here about music and cats.

Many cats tend to hide when our music is played. Scientist's from the University of Wisconsin-Madison have come up with music they think cats will love. Most cats were more attentive when the music played! Their eyes opened wider, and they rubbed up against the speakers. In the study also found that the cat music also evoked better reactions from younger and older cats than middle-aged felines.

The music has more nature sounds. There's a purring vibration in the background.

If you have a cat let me know if they seemed interested in this music. 

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Friday, March 6, 2015

Random Tid Bits

The things I've learned as a Mother. 

I do have to say I had a one up from babysitting a lot when I was younger. I was a regular babysitter. I enjoyed it to. I had a another one up for my oldest sister Angie having my niece when she was 18. My niece Kailey lived with my parents for a few years. That certainly help prepare me for Motherhood. She shared a room with my sister and I. There was a lot I knew, and some things I didn't.
  1. As a Mom I thought I'd have control over my child's clothing choices, and hairstyles. They are boys. Boys don't care about things like that. -Not true. My Mom always helped pick out my clothes, and she went through pictures with me as to what to do with my hair. I always have ideas on hairstyles I like for boys. I even have a pinned board on hairstyles for boys. Mica and Isaak don't like what I like.

    It's fine. I'm glad they have opinions, likes and dislikes. It's great I'm raising independent thinkers. Dad has his opinion on these things to. My Dad growing up never cared about our clothes, or hair. As far as clothing goes I buy them what they are into. I usually get to pick it out though. I keep their tastes in my mind though.

  2. I used to think that kids are A) Brats or B) Great Kids. It's not as black and white as that. They go through stages. Our kids are good kids overall. They do well in school, eat good, sleep good, usually help when asked, but sometimes need reminders. There were different times where both kids went through a stage where they didn't want to leave Grandma and Grandpa's house. They'd refuse to get their coat and shoes on, and they'd cry the whole way home. 20 minutes of listening to a kid scream and cry, while driving can make anyone go insane.

    They love Grandma and Grandpa's house because they are nice, don't give them very many tasks, feed them throughout the day, and give them lots of TV time. I'm glad that was just a 3 year old stage. During that time I thought I was going to pull my hair out. I thought I was messing up as a mom.

  3. Growing up my mom got mad at us for little things like our shoes being in the middle of the floor. Once she had Grand Kids she said, "Alissa you have to learn to choose your battles." She has done this more as she had grandchildren, and I have done this as a parent to.

  4. I learn along with my kids. Somethings that they do in school is different than what we used to do. They teach me, and I teach them.

  5. They're all different. I don't like the comment, "Boys are easier to raise than girls.", "Girls are easier to raise than boys.", or "The second one is easier because you'll know what you are doing." Each child is different, they all go through stages.  We all have our happy moments, and our moments of struggle to.

What do you feel like you've learned while being a Mom or Dad?

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Enough With the Ducks Already! I admit I said the F word, but only because it rhymed with Ducks

Mica and Isaak brought home this form for Jump Rope for the Heart
I don't ask anyone to donate unless it's my parents. Even then I lean into my Mom and say, "Just donate $5 a kid. You don't have to donate $25 like they say on the form!" Adding up all the grand kids = a lot of money.
Right away Mica was like, "I need to earn $200." 
I told him, "No!" 
He said, "But Mom I get this prize" - Pointing to some duck on the page.
I said, "That duck is worth $1, and will end up in the trash!" 
He said, "But Mom it helps save lives!" 
I said, "Really Mica! You don't know this, but most of that money goes towards the workers at the non-profit; not to save lives like it says." 

He said, "Fine! I'll put in my money from my bank." 

I said, "Hell no you won't." 
It's sweet he wanted to use his own money, but no his money is for his future. His interest in raising money wasn't to save kid's lives. It was to get prizes.
I then said, "You'll raise money, but it won't be a lot this year. Remember that Dad lost his job. We're doing things to cut out funds, so we will do alright. He'll get a job eventually, but we don't know when." 
He said, "But you have a job."
Apparently he didn't get it. 
School fundraisers are great, but this year because of our status they are pissing me off. Mica feels like he needs to do them to win prizes. He's missing the point as to what they are all about. I wish he could just get it. Isaak seems fine with a little. Mica's always been more materialistic.

There was Scholastic Fair at the school to. I refused to buy any books. I didn't even walk in the room. Why? To save money. Plus we just had 2 gigantic boxes of books given to us from my oldest nephew. We don't need any more books right now.
If I had money to give I'd donate to SOFT. Their website is awful in its design. They help with research for kids that have chromosome problems like my nephew Emerson. Even if their funds go to their workers that's ok in my book. They hire people like my sister that have kids with chromosome problems to work with them. 
I'd donate to something art related. Why? Because art and music is getting cut here and there from elementary schools. I feel strongly that it helps kids work that side of the brain that doesn't get worked otherwise.
Am I anti Jump Rope for the Heart? No! My Dad's had heart issues half his life. I just don't have the funds to help with anything much right now. I'm really careful about who I donate to. I want to make sure my money goes to the cause. 
Too many people start non-profits, and the person that started them to begin with makes a whole lot of money. The Goodwill is like that. The guy that started The Salvation Army on the other hand only allows himself to make $40,000 a year. I just learned to research before I throw money out there. My students do a campaign for a non-profit every year. I've had to research a lot of them. 
Are you picky about where your money goes?

Today I Wrote My First Complaint

I'm not one to complain much. Maybe I seem like a complainer on here. This is my spot to do that. Blogging is like a journal to me. In real life I don't complain a lot. If I write down something that is bothering me I'm good with that. I feel better after I've done so. Then it's dropped, and I move on.

When I do complain to somebody, or a place I usually state it just like I do with a student critique on a project: I start with something positive, and move on to my complaint. In my mind nothing is always good, and nothing is always bad. There has to be a balance. I remind my students about balance often. I say, "If you find something wrong I have done please let me know. I'm only human, and born to make mistakes." 

I've blogged positively about our library before. They have so much to offer: Lego Club almost every Saturday, story time for little kids, lock-ins, clubs for adults, computers to use for adults and kids, books and movies to check out.

Recently Mica read all of the series The Indian in the Cupboard. There are 4 books in the series. As the series develops the books get thicker.

I told him after he read the series that he could watch the movie called The Indian in the Cupboard. The library did have it. They had 3 copies. They haven't been seen, or checked in for 5 years. 

I inquired about it. I said, "Hello! My son would like to watch The Indian in the Cupboard on DVD, but there seems to be a problem in checking it out." The librarian looked into it. They were just as confused as I was. After talking among other librarians they mutually decided I should request to have them buy a copy. 

I did just that, and before anyone could look over my request a note popped up on their website that said some like, "This is too old. We only buy things that are over 2 years old." Why would a group of librarians tell me to request it then? They knew how old it was. I get that it's old. I don't agree with it though. You mean to tell me that classics like E.T., Star Wars, Gone With the Wind and so on wouldn't be considered to purchase because they are way beyond the 2 year time limit? I would in no way call the movie The Indian in the Cupboard a classic. But...that in the box thinking would knock out any older movie. 

One of the things I love about the library is that they do in fact have older movies available. My kids have watched originals Pollyanna, The Parent Trap, The Shaggy Dog, The Nutty Professor, Swiss Family Robinson, and more. All from the library. 

I'm not saying that they should drop everything and buy what I want them to buy. 

I wrote them saying how much I love the library. Then went into how I was disappointed that older movies are not considered for request a purchase. 

One thought may be - You have all the books of The Indian in the Cupboard, why not get the movie? Another thought may be - It is old, and won't get checked out a lot. They wouldn't even think of those things because my request wasn't even looked at. 

Maybe they did look at my request. This morning I looked to see if the DVD is still in their system. Nope they swiped it.

I can rent it for a small fee from the different library, or take that same amount of money, and buy it on Amazon. I may just buy it for a future birthday. After Isaak goes through reading the books, and follows up with the movie I can donate the movie to the library. 

I do love the library. 

I just don't love that silly rule of requesting only newer movies.

Tell me a "RULE" you haven't agreed with. It can be anything.

The Flintstones and WWE: Stone Age Smackdown Blu-ray+DVD #Giveaway

I liked The Flintstones when I was a kid. I thought it was so cool that they used their feet in their cars to go really fast!

About The Flintstones and WWE: Stone Age Smackdown:

When Fred loses his family's vacation money, he hatches one of his hair brained plans to get it back. It's a sports entertainment spectacle that involves throwing his best bud, Barney into the wrestling ring with the likes of John Cenastone (John Cena), Rey Mysteriopal (Rey Mysterio) and even The Undertaker, with Fred himself as event promoter! 

The crowds roar, the "clams" are pouring in from ticket sales and even Mr. McMagma (Vince McMahon) is taking notice of all the hoopla. Including all-star appearances from The Boulder Twins (Brie and Nikki Bella) Marble Henry (Mark Henry) and Daniel Bry-Rock (Daniel Bryan), it's time to get the whole family together for hard-hitting, side-splitting laughs from the most epic event in all of prehistory!

Take the Quiz to find out which WWE Stone Age Smackdown star you are!

Enjoy the Flinstone Paper Dolls!

The Flintstones & WWE: Stone Age Smackdown is available on Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital HD on March 10.

WIN The Flintstones and WWE: Stone Age Smackdown Blu-ray+DVD Combo!

Rules: Only 1 winner per household for this widespread promotion. You need to be 18 years, or older to enter. No P.O. Boxes. This Giveaway is open to the US and Canada. This giveaway ends on March 23. You'll have 48 hours to claim your prize.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Disclaimer: The opinions on the post are my personal take on the product. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. I was not compensated for this giveaway.

HomeRight SteamMachine Giveaway!

Guess what? It's spring cleaning time. It's crazy that this weekend is daylight savings time. The boys have spring break next week, and I have it the week after.

Awhile back I got a HomeRight SteamMachine to review.

The SteamMachine was well packaged. It came double boxed. Inside the brown box was a white box. I know I'll be using this to clean many things coming up! I already got it out to clean around the toilet. That's a task that needs to be done weekly.

I've been looking for easy ways to clean things. I suffer from allergies and asthma, so keeping things clean is a must! The Steam Cleaner kills 99% of all bacteria and germs! There is no added chemicals needed to clean with this machine.

It can clean many surfaces such as hard wood, tile, vinyl and linoleum surfaces. The steam lifts up the dirt and germs, and the pad wipes the surface clean. It can be used to remove wallpaper. 

I knew it came with extra parts. Never did I expected so many parts though! They really have a tool to clean just about anything.

All these smaller tools can be stored in the HomeRight Steam Machine.
The measuring cup and funnel allows you to pour distilled water in the steamer with no mess at all. Within 8 minutes after filling the steamer up, it's ready to go. The cloth is super soft and washes well.
 It is  a Multi-purpose steamer. Here's just some of the things it can clean:
  • stoves and stovetops
  • grills
  • floors
  • tiles
  • bathrooms 
  • the base of the toilet
  • window ledges and windows
  • wallpaper steamer used to remove wallpaper
The first thing I wanted to clean was the door inside the oven.

During and After:

The ledge on my shower gets cleaned well with this steamer to.

I am so happy with this steamer! It did a great job with the oven door! 

This machine just seems so solid. It's not falling apart! 
Buy it!

The HomeRight SteamMachine sells here for $99.99.
Like HomeRight on Facebook.
Follow HomeRight on Twitter.
Subscribe to HomeRight on YouTube.

Win it!  

HomeRight is giving away to one of my readers a HomeRight SteamMachine just like they gave me!

This is open anyone 18 years or old, and those that live in the US!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Disclaimer: The opinions on the post are my personal take on the product. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. HomeRight sent me a product to review to help with this giveaway.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

WW: Lego Club {Linky}

What Mica Made:

What Isaak Made:

Dad and the boy's made me a mask out of Duplo's last night.

If you have a moment please enter my low entry giveaway listed on the side bar for Specialty Coffee.

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