Friday, June 10, 2016

Yesterday I Took the Day Off

I had plans to do something fun with the kids yesterday. I called their best friends the night before to see if they could come over to do something special.

Mica's friend has teen siblings. For some reason I think his family thinks he's a teen to. He always hangs with them. They all have electronic devices of some sort. He's always busy hanging with a teen sibling. They never ask if any kid his own age can do anything. When we've called he's always busy with baseball, or hanging with a teen.

He was busy all day yesterday, next week, and after that they are going on vacation. I did get them to agree to have him come over yesterday evening.

Isaak's friend has a split family. They aren't divorced, but have been split up for at least 3 years. He lives with his Dad and Grandparents. I can talk to his Grandparents really well. His Dad never calls me back. I get the opposite feeling with him than I do the Grandparents. I can't talk to him. The Mom I've only seen at the Mother's Day breakfast at school. I guess she takes her son at random times, and doesn't tell anyone when she's bringing him back. Setting up playdates is hard with him to.

Why is it so hard to set up playdates compared to when I was a kid?

Thursday was a bust with friendships.

It's too bad because I like the kids that my son's consider friends.

I was going to take the kids someplace special, but they couldn't decide where to mutually go.

Isaak started being a pistol.

They lost the privilege to go play mini golf, to the Children's Museum, or a bounce house.

I didn't want to make the whole day a bust. We did go to the library to pick up season 2 of Webster.

We also stopped up at their school, and had lunch with some of their friends. The "government" offers free lunch for kids all summer long. We've never used this. We have plenty of money to supply our kids with lunch. The boys have been asking to go to school to have lunch. I figured this one time would be fine.

It was like they were rock stars. Isaak was greeted with hugs, and Mica was greeted with fit bumps. It was summer school kids that were up there.

One of Isaak's friends said, "Does this mean you are going to be joining me in summer school Isaak?" Isaak's like, "Nope!"

The principle thanked me for bringing our boys up to school. The cafeteria lady came out, and talked with me for a few minutes saying that she missed my boys.

They played on the playground.

We have a heat advisory here. It's now the south's turn to laugh at us like we do with them and the snow. It's in the 90s, which is high for right now. There are advisories on the news.


On Wednesday we had faculty meetings all day long. I know you're jealous. ;)

I was asked to talk about 3 things:

  1. Defects and Brilliance - Do They Coexist? 
  2. Is Labeling Dangerous? 
  3. A course change in one of my classes. 
I don't mean to put myself up on a pedestal, but I feel like I did a better job talking about the first 2 things more so than the others. My PowerPoints were better designed. I felt like I got my points across well.

I have a learning disability. I wasn't labeled as having one until I was in college. 

Before that I was just a slow learner. It didn't stop me. I got A's in school because I tried hard. I tested horribly, and they often wanted to put me in slow classes. I proved that I was well beyond slow classes, they'd bump me up, and I still would get an A out of it.

I spelled things a bit off. I'm much better, but still at times spell things odd. Sorry fellow bloggers!

I was slow at reading and comprehension. Once I started reading chapter books in 5th grade (yep you read that right), I was reading novels by the end of the school year.

No one at work knew I struggled with such things. I hide it. I don't like to be viewed as stupid. Who does?

The biggest thing that effects me now is with proportion. My depth perception is horrible. I have trouble knowing how big to make something in relation to something else.

I still spell things off at times, but am much better than I used to be.

I think the trouble is, is that we have a text book way of teaching people. Not everyone learns the same way. I'm not saying that teachers should have changed the way they taught me. I just think it's hard to mass teach, and expect all the kids to get it.

I found this site, and loved it! It talked about a fictional character that loved rocket books, Minecraft and Legos. He checked out books, but his parents thought he was just looking at the pictures. He tested horribly on reading comprehension, he couldn't understand math, and worked poorly in groups. His teachers talked about holding him back. But...his interest was there with all the subjects. He could tell you in depth everything about the books he got into. Did they think to teach him math with Legos? Sometimes if you can tap into those interests then you can reach a student.

Do you know who else struggled in school?

  • Albert  Einstein was a slow-learner. He hated to memorize things. He left school at age 15. 
  • Thomas Edison was a daydreamer. His teachers labeled him as a slow learner. His mother decided to homeschool him.
  • Walt Disney was dyslexic. He dropped out at the age of 16 and became an artist. 
  • John Lennon was a poor speller, and had serious problems in school.

Is labeling dangerous? 

What do you think? That can go towards smart kids, and kids that struggle.

I was labeled as a slow kid when I was younger. With labeling you can get a kid the help that they need. They know something is wrong with them anyhow. There's a world out there with tips and ways to cope with becoming better.

Without labels there's no expectations. If a kid is called stupid they'll do one of 2 things: 1. Live up to that. They won't try because they believe they are stupid. 2. They'll try harder to prove everyone wrong. That's more what I did.

With smart kids, like my own kids: Mica doesn't try to do extra things because he wants other kids to have the chance to excel. He's afraid of asking questions because he knows others need more help than he does. Isaak's more the kid that knows his brother is smarter than he is, so he's a little more even with his thinking. How did I get smarty pants kids anyhow? It's a good thing because I'm here to tell them that the ones that struggle just sometimes need that one moment where it clicks. Everyone has a different story.

There's pros and cons with everything.

Did you struggle in school?

An Apel a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

An Apel a Day doesn't really keeps the doctor away.

On Monday I had my yearly doctor's appointment. I waited and waited and waited. During times like that I wonder why I show up early to appointments.

There were a few concerns that I really didn't need to bring up to this doctor, but did anyhow. I just don't go to the doctor very often. I might as well bring up whatever I can during my appointment.

  • I have a cyst above my eyebrow that I discovered. I guess it's nothing to worry about. I know how to get rid of them. Naturally I've put apple cider vinegar on some that I've gotten on my scalp, it burns the skin, but over time removed the cysts. I don't think I want to try apple cider vinegar in a spot where everyone can see. My skin would look pretty beat up in that spot.
  • I needed to tell her about my newest allergies - Ibuprofen. I have to take the empathy killing Tylenol if I have any pain. Then there was the pumpkin incident in the fall. I got cluster blisters just from touching pumpkin on cut. Steroid cream had to be applied to that. I'm odd! 

  • I had to get my allergy meds prescribed once again. Mostly my inhaler in case we go camping. 

  • I had to ask about when I need to get routine colonoscopy? My mom and my grandpa had precancerous polyps. I have to call about that. I just can't wait. It's something I need to do. I guess women don't usually start having those until they are 50, but lucky me I get to start really soon.
  • I hit 40 this year, so I get to start mammograms soon as well. 
What are somethings you have to watch out for in your family? We have heart issues, allergies, high cholesterol and polyps. Fun times! Not!

By the way - I was highly annoyed that I'm sitting there with only a robe on and socks. The doctor didn't even notice my Mona Lisa socks. I'm not really annoyed. I just would have noticed them.

Gift Card Karma “Impacting Lives One Gift Card at a Time”

I'm super excited to share with you a nonprofit I discovered this year.

The nonprofit is called Gift Card Karma

The founder of Gift Card Karma believes that what you give, you get.  She also believes that great things are done when small things are brought together. 

What is Gift Card Karma? 

Gift Karma is a nonprofit organization that helps other local nonprofits. They collect unwanted gift cards, and donate them to organizations in need.

Did you know that the average U.S. household has over $300 in unused gift cards sitting in purses, wallets and desk drawers?  

Gift Card Karma’s mission is to connect unused or partially redeemed gift cards with small, local charities that use them to directly impact lives throughout our community.
  • A homeless shelter for pregnant women used gift cards from Babies R Us to purchase diapers and formula. 
  • A pet shelter for senior dogs used PetSmart gift cards to purchase dog food and shampoo.
  • Starbucks or Scooters gift cards have been used for a local safe house for homeless teens bought coffee for their kitchen. They've also been used for a horse riding academy for physically challenged children and vets used them to buy bulk coffee to serve to the 150 volunteers that work at their facility each week.

Below is a picture of my nephew Emerson at the same horse riding academy that Gift Card Karma helped supply gift cards to.

Gift Card Karma’s experience dealing with local charities ensures your contribution always supports a good cause. 

Got gift cards cluttering your purse, wallet, desk, and sock drawer?  

They are a valuable resource for those in need.  It’s easy to donate!

There is an option to upload a photo of your gift card. Please donate today at 

Visit Gift Card Karma on their website, their facebook page, and on their twitter page.

Disclaimer: I was not compensated in anyway to write this post. I truly believe that Gift Card Karma is a great way to give back to our community. 

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Random Tid Bits

  1. I've been seeing some strange things, so I guess the first two are about those things. The first one is a winter tree I saw in a crack in a sidewalk. The boys walked right by it like it was nothing at all.

  2. The second image were lightsabers I saw on the floor. Really it was a reflection from the mini blinds. A real battle was going on. ;)

  3.  I came home and Isaak had a paper Playground made. I thought it was pretty creative.

  4. We went to the grocery store. Mica was mortified that Isaak had googly eyes on his face. No one even looked twice at Isaak. The next day when Mica picked out something that didn't quite match I acted mortified. Then came clean that I was just giving him a taste of his own medicine.  

  5. By the way Isaak isn't high in the photos, nor does he have pink eye. He has allergy eyes.

  6. The boys are really into making their own games that no one really wants to play. I think it's great though. Creative for sure. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

WW: Nebraska City {Linky}

On Sunday I said, "Hey let's take a road trip." We picked up my Dad, and drove 52 minutes to Nebraska City. I've never been there. We actually ran out of time to do all the things we wanted to do, so it seems at though we'll be going back.

We spent most of our time in the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center.

A ship like Lewis and Clark were in:

The oars of the ship. They are not light weight!

Prickly Pear Cacti were in a big spot. That's about the only cacti that grows in Nebraska.

Inside Arbor Day Lodge the boys had fun steering the ship. When they steered it was connected to a game. They had to try and not hit rocks, but collect food. They also got papers that they had to punch. If they got a certain number of punches they got to take it up front to get it embossed with Lewis and Clark.

Animal pelts hung around the building.

Isaak got to pretend canoe.

Mica hung out in their kid sized teepee.

This guy talked to the boys about guns during the time of Lewis and Clark.

He let the boys give the gun a try. Isaak couldn't wait, and Mica chickened out because, "It was too loud!"

We saw an Earth Lodge. Inside we talked to a guy about making arrowheads, and I found a snake skin for Isaak to take home. The guy said, "Ask your Mom." I said, "It was me that told him to ask you."

We ran around a park.

J. Sterling Morton - Founder of Arbor Day.

We're going to go back to see their gigantic treehouse. It was a fun trip!


The Little Mermaid @RoseTheaterCo Review

I was super excited to find out that The Rose is showing Disney's The Little Mermaid.

It was one of my favorite Disney movies when I was younger. I liked all the characters. I could sing the songs over and over again. I think anyone can relate to Ariel's aspirations to be something she's not.  

The boys didn't know we were going. We left it a surprise. They figured it out as soon as we got there.

The Rose Performing Arts is located on 2001 Farnam Street Omaha, Nebraska 68102. Call 402-345-4849 for tickets. You can also visit their website:

This was taken with my fisheye lens:

They have really cool environmental graphics on the side of their building. Their posters are under glass as well.

About the Play: 

Dive “Under the Sea” for a swimmingly good time as one of Disney’s all-time favorites splashes to life in this Broadway musical adaptation. 

Ariel is a bold young mermaid princess fascinated with the human world, in spite of the warnings of her father, King Triton, and her finny friends. When she makes a dangerous deal with Ursula, the Sea Witch, she begins a race against the setting sun to find true love. With all your favorite songs and an ocean’s worth of colorful characters, you will definitely want The Little Mermaid to be Part of Your World!

The Start:

There wasn't a set to look at when we first got there. They had the curtains closed. We went to the last rehearsal, so chances are that the actual shows have skits from one of the summer classes at The Rose Theater. 

There was live music below the stage. They were practicing when we came in to the theater area. My boys are always looking to see if the orchestra teacher is down there - from their school. She's been in a show at The Rose before.

Once the curtains opened up there was a lot to see. They showed what it was like under the sea, on the ship, and in the castle. 

Music by Alan Menken.

Lyrics by Howard Ashman and Glen Slater.

Book by Doug Wright.


June 3 - June 26
  • Friday, June 3 @ 7 PM
  • Saturday, June 4 @ 2 PM
  • Sunday, June 5 @ 2 PM.
  • Friday, June 10 @ 7 PM
  • Saturday, June 11 @ 2 PM
  • Sunday, June 12 @ 2 PM
  • Friday, June 17 @ 7 PM
  • Saturday, June 18 @ 2 PM
  • Sunday, June 19 @ 2 PM
  • Friday, June 24 @ 7 PM
  • Saturday, June 25 @ 2 PM
  • Sunday, June 26 @ 2 PM

Best suited for ages 5 and up. 

Mica (age almost 11) liked it. He smiled throughout the show. Isaak's (age 8) is in a stage where he doesn't care for anything girly. Somehow mermaids are for girls. I kept telling Isaak that there were mermen in it. I loved it, and I'm almost 40.

*Warning there is a section of the show where a storm occurs. They use strobe lights during this part. 


2 hours + intermission with refreshments 


Members: $23 main floor $18 balcony 

Non Members: $30 main floor $25 balcony 


There are several metered parking spots, active from 9 AM to 9 PM, Monday through Saturday. The cost is $.25 per hour, or $10 per day. Metered parking is free on Sundays and holidays. 

Free parking is available in the Wells Fargo parking lot on the northwest corner of 20th and Farnam Streets on weekends and after 5:30 PM on weeknights. 


Arial - Torisa Walker
Prince Eric - Marcel A. Daly 

Grimsby - Kevin Olsen
Scuttle - Bill Grennan
Flounder - Grace Titus
King Triton - Joe Dignoti
Sebastian - Camellia Yvonne Watkins
Flotsam - Joseph T. O'Connor
Jetsam - Jonathan Smith
Ursula - Heather Wilhelm
and more...

Artistic and Production Credits: 

Director - Matthew Gutschick
Musical Director - Kevin Smith
Scenic Designer - Tim McMath
Choreographer - Sue Gillespie Booton
Lighting Designer - Craig Moxon
Production Stage Manager - Ashleigh-Dawn Kriegh-Fleming
Costume Designer - Sherri Geerdes
and more... 

After the shows they have a question answer time with the cast. They even mention to email them. The Rose has really cool kid's programs. I like them more than the adult ones. There are facts and games in it. There's a spot for Autographs for the end of the show.

I think any show that The Rose Theater has is great for kids. My boys just love going there!

Disclaimer: I received tickets for free of charge from The Rose Theater.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Question of the Month

A Life Examined has the question up this month: Of all the places in the world to which you haven't been, where would you like to go next?

I have to be honest I'm not a huge traveler. Traveling makes me nervous. I'm not good with directions, and I always feel the pressure of forgetting important things when we travel. 

My husband is the, "I can't wait to go to ______." When we do travel it's non stop adventures. No relaxing. We have to go to point A, point B, and point C. 

Travis is talking about switching jobs again. The guy had one stable job for 12 years. The company collapsed. He's had random jobs in the past 2 years. It's not that he hates where he works. It's just that they want him to run the business. He doesn't think he has it in him to run a company. He just wants to be the guy that creates. The company is putting the pressure on him big time. It's really stressing him out. He feels like he has no time to work on his art. The original agreement was for him to have Fridays off. That's not happening. On top of that another company that has workers that he worked with for 12 years has so much work they keep calling him for help. There's good and bad there to. He has some decisions to make. 

I feel most comfortable with stability, but then that puts me in the category, I don't support his decisions, his art, and I don't want him to be happy. Those things are not true. It's just that I don't want to work my whole life away. 

My husband says he wants to go to our 10 year old son, Mica's dream spot, which is Peru. That's pretty far away!

I know very little about Peru. About the only things I know is that it's way out of our budget, it's by Brazil, and Paddington Bear is from there. Yep I've read a lot of children's books. 

I'd like to go someplace far to, but know it's not realistic. Where would I like to go to if I could snap my fingers, and just be there? Iceland. It's full of art, it's a very safe place, their economy is good right now, they put their political figures on trial when they are in question, and just like Peru it's pretty.


Where would I like to go that's more our price range? Montana. I just think it looks pretty! I'm the kind of girl that doesn't need fancy cruises, lots of shopping, and expensive places to go to. Give me a tent, people I care about, and I'll be happy.


Where is your dream spot? Where would you want to travel that's more realistic?