Friday, November 11, 2016

Random Tid Bits

  1. Everyone that's been reading this for awhile knows I teach at an art college. If you didn't know - there's that tid bit of information about me.

    This week when Trump won so many of my students were upset. I felt bad for them. Even if the tables were turned, and they were upset that Clinton won I'd still feel for them. I don't like to see people upset.

    I went to a grocery store during lunch time, and bought my students mini cupcakes and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups on their Halloween sale. This wasn't normal for me to do something like this, but I was in a giving mood, and wanted to lift their spirits.

    Later on that day I found out that about 2 students out of 25 voted. I had a mix of emotions. I too fit in their category when I was younger. I didn't vote, but would complain about the upper ups. It was so bad of me I know. Now I get it when people are pissed when people don't vote, and don't educate themselves on who they are voting for. I kind of felt annoyed that the student body was complaining, but didn't do their part to vote for who they wanted in office.

    Does it make you mad when people don't vote, yet complain about things? 

  2. On election night I decided we needed a break from politics. I put in the last season of The Wonder Years. Our library ordered it because I requested it. I was so happy! It's crazy that the episode we just happened to be on was called, Politics as Usual. It was about Kevin's Dad liking Nixon and his Mom being a democrat. 

  3. Source
  4. Isaak has a  bean plant he brought home from school. He took great care of it when it was in a cup with a wet paper towel. Since I took this picture Travis has helped him put it in a pot with plant soil. I call it, Isaak and Giant Bean Salk. It does keep growing up and up. Soon Travis will help him to make something for it to climb.

  5. Yesterday an instructor was sick. I had to take over her morning lecture. It went well. I filled up a whole hour, and added onto what she had written.

  6. Mica continues to get better with his trumpet. I have him play in his room with his door shut. Those bad notes are just awful on my ears. He wants to come out to play in the living room to give us a concert. I recently said, "It's a concert with you in your room. I can still hear you play." Ha! 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

WW: Joslyn Art Museum {Linky}

We went to a wedding and reception on Sunday night. I wasn't going to go because it was so late for the boys on a school night. BUT it was at the Joslyn Art Museum. I haven't been there at night, since I was a kid.

The wedding was really pretty. There was group of people playing sting instruments before, and throughout the wedding. They played Beatle songs. The boys loved it!

Between the wedding and reception they opened up the part of the gallery viewers have to pay to see. We couldn't take any pictures. The work was by Andrew Moore.

One of my favorite pieces was Simon's Schoolhouse Museum.

The wedding its self took place in front of a Dale Chihuly installation. I've always loved the pieces with his name on them, but questioned them at the same time. He has glass blowers all over blow glass for him, and he puts his name on the pieces. To me the other glass blowers should get credit too. It is what it is.

The reception was by a Dale Chihuly installation as well.

Can you guess what this is?

If you guessed tables you were right. Thats a reflection of our tables from the glass ceiling. Here we are:

We must not go to a lot of weddings. Isaak had a lot of questions, "What's a ring bearer? What's a bride's maid? When will the bride walk down?" 

I'm in a Video

At the beginning of the school year I was asked to be in a video for Common Sense Media.

What is Common Sense Media?

"Common Sense is the leading independent nonprofit organization dedicated to helping kids thrive in a world of media and technology. We empower parents, teachers, and policymakers by providing unbiased information, trusted advice, and innovative tools to help them harness the power of media and technology as a positive force in all kids’ lives." - Taken from their website.

I was asked a series of questions, and came up with some answers. The video took place at our technological library - Do Space. Two other people were also in the video. The video was shortened down to just a few minutes long.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Rubber Band Game Review

You may have read my previous post on Craft-tastic the String Art II Kit. If you didn't read that post it's so worth the time to read it. I just love their craft sets! The same company Ann Williams sent me a game to review as well. I knew they made craft sets, but had no idea that they make a game as well.

The Rubber Band Game was one that Mica helped me review. 

This game is made by Ann Williams. Their slogan is, Where fun rules! They have a lot of craft sets to check out!
 Rubber Band Game Includes:

  • 12 colorful blocks
  • 250 colorful rubber bands
  • 4 wooden sticks to shoot the rubber bands to knock blocks down
  • 2 purple dice

How to Play:

There's over 20 ways to play the game. It's cool you can play it in a variety of different ways.

I let Mica come up with what way he wanted to play.
  1. Mica stacked the blocks up.

  2. We rolled to see who would go first.

  3. Player A rolled to see what number they had to knock down with their rubber band. 

  4. If Player A knocked down the correct number that the dice had with their rubber band they got the same points that the dice had.

    For instance if I rolled a 6, I'd have to knock down the 6 block with my rubber band, and would get 6 points. 

  5. We kept taking turns rolling, and trying to knock that number down. 

  6. The player that got 25 points or higher won the game. 
Stack The Blocks

Roll the Die

Pick a Rubber Band

Shoot - In this case try and shoot the 3 and higher because that's what was rolled. 
If all the blocks get knocked down, that player doesn't get any points. If none of the blocks get knocked down, that player doesn't get any points either. It has to be a 3, and up.

In this case all the blocks got knocked down, so this player didn't get any points.

  • This game can be played simple, or advanced. You can even mix in time to speed things up. 
  • This game is for ages 8 to adult. Mica is 11, I'm 40, and we both enjoyed this game. 
  • 2 to 8 players can play Rubber Band Game. There is another set of blocks to knock down, 2 dice, 4 sticks, and lots of rubber bands. It certainly can be more than 2 players playing. 
  • Cost: $24.99 on their site. $23.62 on Amazon with Prime.

What we thought:

Mica likes this game! We both had fun with it.

I like that this is for boys, girls, and many ages.

Rubber Band Game won an award just this year from Creative Child Magazine as Game of the Year!

This is the only game that I can find that Ann Williams makes so far. They do have a Craft-tastic craft that is very game like called Craft-tastic Tinker ing Kit. There's a ton of sets on their site! They even have craft sets geared more towards adults.

I love that they have a monthly box option. Their how to videos are great as well.

Isaak is the most like me. He digs crafts and loves games. This game will be for Isaak for Christmas. Do you have a game lover in your house?

Check out more craft sets on their website, visit their informative blog, check out Ann Williams on twitter, facebook, YouTube, pinterest, and instagram

Disclaimer: I received Rubber Band Game to review by Ann Williams. This post was written by me. I was not influenced in any way. 

Craft-tastic the String Art II Kit Review

I'm always on the hunt for crafts that Isaak will enjoy. He loves crafts, but many of them are geared towards girls.

I was super excited to find Craft-tastic the String Art II Kit in a toy shop in Kansas City. Right away I took an image with my phone, and said to Travis, "I have to get this for Issak!" He agreed that Isaak would enjoy it. I emailed the company and they sent Craft-Tastic the String Art II Kit for me to review. 

This set is made by Ann Williams. Their slogan is, Where fun rules! They have a lot of other craft sets to check out!


Inside there is visual instructions. I love instructions like that! So many companies will send instructions that are words only, which I find hard to follow. Even Isaak could follow the instructions.

In this set there are 3 different string art designs that can be created:
  1. A Planet
  2. A Star
  3. A Rocket
They have dots on each template to make up the basic design. The templates are on a black foam type board, which is easy to push stick pins through. Beneath the foam there's a black stiff paper that is put on. They already include the double sided tape. The stick pins go through the foam board, but not the stiff backing.

The Planet

The Star

The Rocket

I was pretty sure Isaak would pick the rocket, which he did.

I would have picked the rocket as well. We'll get to another one during winter break, and the last one during spring break. I like to have special things like this to do when the kids are off school.

There's a plastic tray that everything fits inside. We put it in there to start out with, so it wouldn't slip around.

This craft set is for ages 10 and up.

The stick pins are a big reason that this craft set is for ages 10 and up. I was with Isaak the whole time, so he didn't stick himself. The set also takes a lot of coordination.

Isaak took the stick pin box and dumped them in a pile to make them easier to grab. They weren't all over like the picture shows.

The fun starts:

Push the stick pins in each dot, but don't push it in so hard that it punctures that back paper. Isaak loved doing this! He had trouble with only one. It kept going in at an angle. I helped him with that one pin. The rest he did by himself.

Embroidery Floss Colors:
  • Red
  • Orange
  • White
  • Yellow
  • Purple
  • Lime Green
  • Shimmery Teal 
  • Shimmery Blue
  • Shimmery Purple
  • Shimmery Green

After getting all the stick pins in the dots, it's time to choose some colors. Isaak didn't want to follow the box. He picked shimmery blue and green for the rocket body, purple for the sides of the rocket, and orange and red for the flame.

Adding on the Embroidery Floss:

This is where kids need help. This is where I needed help. I'm not very good with making knots. Especially on itty bitty needles, with embroidery floss that ends like to fray. I did it! Make a knot, cut off the shorter end, and weave from pin to pin keeping it taut, but not pulling hard to bend the pins.

Keep the one color within it's confined area.

Knot it, and cut off the short end. Add a new color to the mix. It looks best to use a few colors in one given area.

Almost done...

Blast off...

What we thought:

Isaak loved this craft! He's only 8, but he stuck with it way more than Mica would have (age 11). Mica's not into crafts. I did have to help Isaak with the knots, but I think I would have had to help Mica with them too.

I like that this is a craft that is for boys and girls. They have other options for the future. I think Isaak would also like Craft-tastic I Love Animals Kit, Craft-tastic Ojo de Dios Kit (God's Eyes), and Craft-tastic Yarn Giraffes Kit. There's a ton of sets on their site! They even have craft sets geared more towards adults.

I love that they have a monthly box option. Their how to videos are great as well.


$19.99 on their website, and $15.92 on Amazon + on Prime.

Do you have a craft lover in your house?

Check out more craft sets on their website, visit their informative blog, check out Ann Williams on twitter, facebook, YouTube, pinterest, and instagram

Disclaimer: I received Craft-tastic the String Art II Kit to review by Ann Williams. This post was written by me. I was not influenced in any way.