Thursday, June 7, 2018

Random Tid Bits

  1. For a few weeks now I've been battling it out with computer problems. I think I have it fixed, nope, think again. It keeps fanning up like crazy when I'm on the internet! Under Activity Monitor it kept saying that my Mac was using over 100% CPU for Google Chrome Helper. I removed some things off that looks suspicious, it still fanned up once again! I read up on computer issues with Macs. I've had this one for quite some time. It's been virus free up until this point. I read up, and watched videos on how to fix my Mac. Finally a coworker convinced me to download Malwarebytes. I was incredibly nervous to download anything when something from the internet was clearly my issue. Like what if I downloaded a fake version of Malwarebytes, and then it would be worse off than it already was? That was my thinking. Malwarebytes detected 15 problems, and removed them! After that it continued to fan up. I did a system update, backed up my stuff again. 

  2. Now my boss can't see my back up on other macs. The battery life says, "Condition Replace Soon". That isn't good. So I need a new battery.

  3. Isaak starts a camp next week! It's an upcycled | Invention camp. I think he'll love it!

  4. Our family is into watching a show called Under the Dome.  It's based off a Stephen King novel, and directed by Spielberg. It's not scary, just odd. Have you seen it? It's on Amazon Prime.

  5. Do you have sisters, brothers, or are/were you a single child? I have sisters, and there seems to be drama at many turns. I wouldn't say I'm a dramatic person, but I am like Isaak where I want things to be right. I don't like to leave people out, make people feel bad and so on. 

  6. Do you have any big plans for the weekend? I think Isaak and I need to work on a craft. The boy will go to decorate cupcakes at a library, and Mica started volunteering for a few hours on Sunday at the library. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

3 Important Tips for Moms Who Run Businesses

The barriers to becoming an entrepreneur have lowered considerably over the last couple of decades. As a result, many more people, including mothers, are choosing to start their own businesses. This is always a challenging undertaking, but here are 3 ways of relieving some of the pressure.

Make Time for Yourself 

It is absolutely essential for any entrepreneur to make time for themselves as well as their business interests. When that entrepreneur also happens to be a mom, there are even more pressures in their day to day lives. If you don’t make the necessary time for yourself and your personal pursuits, the stress of either parenting or your business alone can easily get too much.

You should try and make time for yourself every day; if it is possible to work some personal time into your personal schedule then do so. But if this isn’t possible, you should look to setting aside a day each week, or even half a day if that’s all you can manage, to spend on yourself.

You Can Say No

Many moms spend a good deal of their time saying no to their children’s many requests and demands. After all, left to their own devices, most children would run amok! It is hardly surprising that after a day spent saying no to their own children, many moms simply don’t have the energy to say no to all the adults pressuring them at work.

However, it is imperative that you don’t lose your nerve. As hard as it might be to say no when you’re already feeling tired and worn down, relenting at the wrong moment could prove disastrous, even fatal, for your business.

Outsource Where You Need to

It is understandable for entrepreneurs to want to control as many aspects of their business as possible. However, sometimes it is a far wiser use of your business’s resources to hire an outside agency to undertake either individual tasks, or even the work of entire departments. The design of your business’s website is a task that is commonly outsourced to a professional agency, it isn’t something you can afford to get wrong in the long run.

Similarly, more specialized creative tasks, such as writing, are regularly outsourced. Product reviews are a good example. These can make a significant impact on your overall sales figures, but you need people who can write them in a compelling way, suitable for the site they’re to be placed on.

It is often a good idea to outsource your marketing strategy in general to a specialist agency as it isn’t nearly as easy to manage as many new business owners assume. An experienced marketing agency will know the most appropriate and effective techniques to use in promoting your business. In particular, they will be able to identify the less obvious marketing opportunities, such as having your product mentioned in an article on a website like

Running a business is never going to be easy. For moms who also have a family to take care of, the burdens are even greater than usual. The most important thing is to make sure that your entrepreneurial life doesn’t completely take over your family life. With these tips in mind, you stand a much better chance of success.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

WW: Motion Screen {Linky}

We had fun at KANEKO in Omaha, Nebraska.

The boys loved their motion screens!

What kind of dance move would you do in front of the motion screen?

Faux Leather Coat Review

It’s so hot, but Isaak wouldn’t take off his faux leather coat. I do have to say that he looks pretty stylish.


  • 3T-4T
  • 5-6
  • 7-8
  • 9-10
  • 11-12
  • 13-14
Both Mica and Isaak are super tall - in the 97%! Isaak's 10, but I got him a 13-14. It fits great! It will fit all of fall, and hopefully all of winter.

  • The front has 2 pockets for gloves, hands tissues, or whatever else one would put in there. 
  • Towards the top are 2 faux pockets. 
  • The sleeves have elastic, which is great for putting over gloves when it's cold. 
  • There's elastic on the bottom sides. 
  • There's a metal zipper, which I love. Plastic ones seem so dinky! Everything is plastic now a days.
  • There's a snap on the top of the coat.

  • Towards the top are 2 faux pockets.

  • Black
  • Brown
  • Camouflage 
Isaak would have picked black, but they were out his size. He said, "I like that color too Mom. It goes with my football!" Neither of us cared for the camouflage.


$19.99 to $25.49 - Prices range due to color, and size.

You can get it on Amazon here:

Isaak thought it was for sure leather, but it says it's faux leather. If he thinks it's real leather that's great!

What color would you have picked?

Disclaimer: I got this product for a discounted price in exchange for an honest review.