Friday, May 17, 2019

Random Tid Bits

  1. Today is my last day of classes. I can't complain much, as they were all pretty great students.

    I got thank you cards from two. That's never happened. They are usually in such a hurry to get out of there, and know they'll see me at graduation.

    I had a discussion with a few of my older students how when you talk, it depends on your voice how people take it. If I say in a cheery voice, "F ya" that's going to be taken very differently than saying in a deep mean voice, "F#*#* you". I didn't say the words to them. Well except for, "F ya". On one thank you note it had the F word because of our conversation. I covered it up. It can be left for an inside person like me to understand it.

  2. My kids get done next week. Isaak's beyond ready to be done. He's loosing focus.

  3. I don't think I ever posted about this, but said it on facebook. Isaak's big science fair project was due one day a few weeks ago. We worked on it, since Christmas to try and get it knocked out. I wanted him to review everything because judges go around, and ask kids questions. I know other kids do it literally the night before it's due.

    His teacher gave him 5 different worksheets. Math he didn't understand because he had Strings during the lesson, with Social Studies we had to dig out his book that I bought because he can't bring home the school's book. There were a few other things.

    Then there was this crazy worksheet! This tops all the crazy worksheets he's gotten. The kids had to fill about 14 lines with words that equal $100. A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5 and so on. Who has time for this madness on a night a HUGE project is due? I'm horrible, and google all his busy work assignments. Someone had a page of these $100 words. The guy that made the site went on about how the assignment is a time waister. He is is a computer programer, and programmed them in to create the words for him. I laughed so hard when I read the letter.

  4. I think I finally figured Isaak's teacher out. She was a sub for 7 years before teaching. This is her first year teaching full time in her own classroom. It seems like a lot of his homework is busy work. It's work that possibly a sub would give to students because a teacher is gone. She's stuck in sub land. Most nights he has a synonym sheet. Travis and I both have to look on google to figure out the words. Lots of busy work. Two hours of Isaak working on that in combination of good real homework is too much!

    There are assignments that she assigns that we love. Like look up a word in the dictionary, write it's definition, and 2 sentences on how that word would be used. Math is need, Social Studies I'd love if they could in fact bring home a book. $7 on Amazon to buy a used book was the best money I spent all year!

  5. I applied for a company, and was had. They wanted to chat with me before calling me in to an interview. Well I knew I was had when they put their logo up, and it was stretched. Did they think I wouldn't notice? A big company wouldn't make that mistake. I know someone that works for them, so I FB messaged them about their hiring process. Sure enough they didn't go through the hiring process they way I was. I continued to reply to them knowing I was had. I wouldn't give them any of my information. I just would reply back with crazy answers. Plop up their logo, then the companies real logo, and ask if they saw any difference? Things like that. Have you ever been scammed before?

Thursday, May 16, 2019

The NOOFORMER Mini Travel Umbrella #review

Last week Mica walked out the door with a children’s umbrella ☔️. He texted me saying it is too small for his 13 1/2 yr old self.

When I saw that an umbrella was up to review, I was all about it.

 The company has all the star ratings.


Mica loves space anything. The inside of it is space related. He likes black too, so the outside works as well.

The company sells 7 different color options on Amazon. If you don't like space, then no worries. Lots of variety = happy customers.

The umbrellas are tiny! That makes them easy to fit in a purse, bag, or backpack! Size: Weight( 8oz), Length (6.7 inches).


It was so hard to open up! I thought I was going to break it! Travis tried. He said, "I think it's broken!" We finally got it to work. If it's that hard for us adults to get it to pop open, I can't imagine Mica being able to get it.

I felt a bit like Julia Roberts in the movie Pretty Woman when she went to the Opera and couldn't get the Opera Binoculars to work. Yep I've seen that movie way too many times. I'm showing my age because it's an old movie. She kept saying, "They're broken!" over and over again. Then Richard Gere leaned into her and showed her how they work. Except Travis is no Richard Gere. He couldn't get it to work either.

Finally after about giving up we got it to work. Apparently we're not alone. Others stated they had trouble with the same thing on Amazon. I ran into a lot of this with kid umbrellas. I was happy I found kid umbrellas that worked great! It's too bad they can't just be bigger with more adult like pattern on them.

Sometimes when I agree to review products I don't know a whole lot about them before they are sent to me. It's my job as a reviewer to figure out the products to review them. It's a sun umbrella. In Nebraska we do have 3 good months of sun, but no beach to enjoy that sun in one spot. If you live on or by a beach, this sun umbrella may be the thing for you! It does have 95% UV protection. Possibly it's a sign that we need to go to the beach! What we need is a rain umbrella! They do say on the website that it's big enough for rain. Is it for rain, or not? We haven't had rain this week to give it a shot.

It's hard to get back into the sleeve. I can imagine if it's wet, it's near impossible! It's more of a sun in the sun it should be fine.

Where to Get It: for $16.99.


Last week would have been our week for trying the umbrella out in the rain. This week it's hot. After much frustration, and feeling like we were going to break it we did get it extended.



Mr. Mica with his new umbrella:

Do you prefer a rain coat, an umbrella, or running in the rain?


I got this product for a discounted price to help with this review. The company did not tell me what to say. All opinions are my own.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

WW: Awards {Linky}

At Mica's school he had an award ceremony.

The little tall boy likes to wiggle on stage. He seriously does this gig, which makes it hard to photograph him.

He won:
  • Geography Bee Contestant
  • Astronomy Academic Excellence
  • Social Studies Academic Excellence
  • Student Council
  • Quiz Bowl
  • Language Art Academic Excellence
  • Student of the Week
  • Outstanding Achievement in Music
  • Renaissance Gold
  • Perfect Attendance
He thought they missed him for Think Tank. I told him he's good. He and a friend like to compare how many awards they got. It's a healthy competition.

He was pretty proud of his awards. So am I!

Post ANY post you want comment love on! It doesn't have to be wordless or wordful. I like rules sometimes, but they are meant to be broken. Link up a post!