Friday, September 13, 2019

Random Tid Bits

I know I've been pretty absent. I'll try and pick up the blogging speed here soon. I missed Tuesday because I was at my Grandpa's funeral 2 1/2 hours away. It's been a week of getting caught back up.

  1. I learned to not miss work if at all possible. Obviously I had to miss. On Friday I left perfect instructions with another co-worker about what to cover. I had a PowerPoint on two famous designers. I also left a link to a full length movie that's on Prime (which she has), and bought microwave popcorn and kettle corn for the students. She had plenty of time to review the stuff ready for her.

    From a student I heard, "Ya she just went through that PowerPoint really fast, and didn't know what anything was." I left notes in the PowerPoint, so there really wasn't any reason to not understand some of the slides.

    With the movie I said they could work, while they watched it. I even bought boxes of microwave popcorn and kettle corn for them. She told me later, "No one watched it." Guess what? I wouldn't of given the students popcorn or kettle corn then. I must be a hard ass I suppose. I was/am annoyed.


    I've covered for many other teachers on the spot, and feel like I did all I could when I was need. I hardly miss class. I expected the same treatment as I give others. 

  2. I bought these towels at World Market. I had a GC I won, so it went towards the towels. I only use them when company comes over. Red-Orange is my favorite color, and Blue-Green is Travis' favorite color. I have plain grey ones, for all other times. 

  3. I offered to go through the remainder of my Grandpa's things last weekend. I was told, "Nope. We have it paid until the end of September, so we're taking our time getting stuff out of there." Now they decided to move that stuff on Thursday night. Wait for a weekend, when we all have more time! Travis models, and the boys more than likely will have homework, and Mica won't get home until after 6 because of Quiz Bowl practice. Now I feel guilty, for not helping. I'm getting group texts about the move. (Writing this on Thursday)

  4. I had a friend come to interview me, for a grad paper he's working on. He wanted to interview people that have had drug/alcoholism in their family. My parents drink maybe once a year, just a single glass. My older sister, who I shared a room with growing up had a lot of issues with drugs and alcohol. I covered up a lot of shit, just to not be the crappy younger sister. Kind of brought back a lot of not so pleasant memories. She's much better as an adult. Do you have/had family members with drugs and alcohol abuse?

  5. Isaak's taking Piano Lessons as a class at school. He likes his teacher. He was getting ready to play a song he wrote on his keyboard. The teacher said, "Wait a minute!" He put an app up that had a curtain draw open, and there was clapping. Then he encourage the rest of the class to clap. Hearing this made me smile.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Isaak's Getting Braces Soon

In October Isaak gets braces. Ekk!

I did what the Orthodontist said, and got him a toothbrush that brushed in circles. Then I turned around and did what I thought was logical, and got him a water pick to review.

I did have to wait a bit, for it to come in the mail. It wasn't like Amazon's 2 day shipping. It did come. We weren't in a hurry, for it, so yay.

I've never used one. At first I was thinking it needed batteries. No it doesn't need batteries!

You just take the bottom off, and fill it with water until it hits the Max line. It squirts much like a spray bottle does.



Food Trap

If Teeth are Close to Each Other

Sensitive Gums

If You Don't Like Flossing

I bleed when flossing, and it's not because I don't ever floss. It's from being on Aspirin. I may have to get my own Water Pick! It looks handy! 

The only things I could see being a problem is that if you don't use it a lot it, you may have to change the water out each time you use it. Just like some spray bottles stop working, this could to. Right now it works great!

Where to Get it:

Have you used a water pick before?

Disclaimer: I got this for free, or a discounted price in order to help with this review. All opinions are my own. 

So Long Grandpa

My Grandpa made it to 93 years old. Mica wishes he would have made it to 100 years old.

It's crazy how not too long ago he was in the hospital, loosing a ton of blood, and made it when he probably shouldn't of. This time he fell. He had a black eye, and skin tears, but certainly no one thought he would die. They did find that a vertebrae in his was fractured from a previous fall. He was living with that pain. Ouch!

On Labor Day we had lots of family over for August and September birthdays. Grandpa was there.

We giggled when he couldn't get out of the chair, and I had to push his butt to help him. The old man could help, but to fart when he got up. We all laughed. It is what it is.

He got up twice to get food. The next day is when he fell hard. 

I got a text from my mom saying that he was having a seizure, which he's never had that we're aware of. The next text said, "TOD 1:41." Non medical me looked up "TOD" thinking it was a medical term. There are a lot of nurses in the family, so they talk in medical lingo a lot. After about 5 minutes I did a face palm, "Time of Death". 

After things cooled down, I told my mom my face palm moment. I could giggle and cry at the same time. 

These photos were taken this year:

What my Grandpa was like:

He loved to drive around after church on Sundays.

On drives he always had butterscotch, or coffee hard candies.

He'd drive around a fountain that changed colors and say, "Oh there's blue Kool-Aid, look now there's orange Kool-Aid"... Kool-aid was first made in Hastings, Nebraska where he's from.

He liked Johnny Carson, Dallas, Dynasty, Days of Our Lives, Football, Wrestling, and Baseball. I just remember because my parents didn't like any of those shows. Days of Our Lives wasn't a show he'd admit to liking. It was "Grandma's show", yet he sat there and watched it everyday with her. 

We'd eat popcorn out of wooden bowls whenever it was time to watch evening T.V.

He loved to start fires on cold nights. 

He'd rock the baby grandkids to sleep and sing, I've been working on the railroad.

Going to garage sales, looking for tools was a favorite pastime.

He built many things for us. Including a shelf for my doll clothes to hang, bucket seats for my sister Terra and cousin Brad, and wooden puzzle rocking chairs for my younger cousins. 

He played football and baseball. 

He was in the Navy and served in the Korean War. 

He enjoyed traveling to Texas for the winter months. 

He had friends he'd get together with to play cards and drink coffee.

I'll miss his smile! He's always been there, so it will be odd not having him around.