Friday, November 22, 2019

Random Tid Bits

  1. I've had not 1 but 2 companies lately say that I'd get something to review, and to send over my address. Then I never heard from them again. Has this happened to anyone else? I didn't say anything bad, I just sent over my address like they asked. That's like a winner not getting a prize that they spent time entering. 

  2. I belong to this app called Nextdoor.

    This lady (we'll call her Cally - not her real name) put out a thank you for people getting her groceries and helping her out, when she asked for it.

    I was curious to see if I knew her or any of her friends, so I copied and pasted her name into FB. It was the same person on both. She has a dent in her forehead like she was shot, or got something removed and stitched up. She has the same star tattoos on her chest.

    On her FB page someone posted, "Cally has moved on to the next life and we (her family) would like people to stop messaging her. Her phone is on so we can hear her voice, but please leave her and us to rest."

    Now I'm wondering if there is a true mystery there. Is this girl dead to her family? Was she running from something, and that's why she needed help? My mind won't escape this drama.

  3. Has anyone else out there watched Man in the High Castle - the final season?

    I love that show, so much! I put the book on reserve at the library, for Mica. Let's hope he reads it. He's mostly into watching videos on his phone, and laughing.

  4. Mica fell at recess. Side note: How great is it that he has recess? Isaak doesn't at his school. Well he has Walking Club if he gets done with lunch fast enough. He never does with brushing the food out of his braces. Back to Mica falling...He did something like this: He went to step up, there was no step, so he lunged into a metal step with his ribs, flipped, and landed on his knees.

    He knocked the wind out of himself, so he couldn't breathe, or talk at first. Everyone gathered around. He went to the nurse's office. There she told him he bruised his ribs. We were never called. How odd, I thought that was protocol now a days.

    We weren't planning on keeping him home the next day, but we did when he fell again in his room.

    My Mom made me feel so guilty about leaving him home alone, and not taking him in. He's just uber sore! This is the same lady that sent my sister to school when she had an Appendix that needed to come out, and when she had the Chicken Pox after I just had them. She said they were moles. Moles that grew overnight. So if Mica gets worse it's on me. Ha!

  5. I really wish the lady that helped us get an HSA account knew more to tell us. She didn't even know how to assign us 2 cards.

    We overpaid in it. I didn't even think that was possible. Now it's a mess! I think the cap is $6,000, and over all we put in more than that. Here I'm thinking it's a good thing we put money into it. Ya know to pay medical, dental, and orthodontist bills.

    Travis had to go to the Orthodontist to have them take that out of our checking account instead of our HSA account. Then he has to go to the tax guy to figure out our options. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

WW: Mask {Linky}

We were out, going to gallery openings and happened upon this crazy mask. Isaak kept looking at it in its eyes.

When was the last wedding that you went to? 

Monday, November 18, 2019

@frednfriends Swing Time #birdfeeder #giveaway #holidaygiftguide

How do you introduce yourself? Lately I feel like saying, "Hello I'm Alissa, and I'm addicted to little gadgets."

When we were on vacation this summer I took photos of anything I thought was cool. As I was looking back at our photos I was reminded of the Swing Time Ceramic Bird Feeder that Fred makes.
Isn't it cute?

I didn't realize, until I was looking at the vacation photos that Fred is also the company that makes the Food Face Dinner Plates I've had fun with all these years. I think the boys got them when they were about 2 and 4. Now they are 11 and 14! One Christmas I got our kids, my 4 nephews, and 1 niece all Food Face Dinner Plates. It was a Fred Christmas, for sure. 

I recently got 1 more Food Face Dinner Plate because my nephew Edison doesn't have one. He was born after the Fred Christmas. I'm holding off giving it to him until his birthday in May. He drops everything! Maybe by May he can be a little more trustworthy of a ceramic plate. 

My boys still enjoy their plates. Mica said the other , "I'm hungry!" I usually answer back saying, "Well get yourself something to eat." He is 14. This time I said, "I'll get you something, just so I can decorate the plate." Fred had carrot hair, oatmeal pie earrings, and a peanut beard. Older kids can have fun with their food too!

I was super excited to open Swing Time Ceramic Bird Feeder. It felt like Christmas, for me. 

The tire treads look so perfect! It's so hard to believe it's ceramic, but it is.

I love that it came already together. 

All I had to do was go to the pet store to get some bird seed. I had to make the trip to get our Gecko crickets anyhow.

Our Dwarf Magnolia is now paired up with a Swing Time Ceramic Bird Feeder. The tree will look prettier in the spring when it blooms.

I have fond memories of being pushed on a tire swing, when I was a kid. What kid didn't like swings like that? It was back in a time where it was ok to be outside alone. Being outside = freedom in my mind. 

Make your Christmas a Fred Christmas! One of my readers (you) will win a Swing Time Ceramic Bird Feeder. 

Contest will end on December 2, 19. You need to be 18 or older to enter to win. No P.O. Boxes please. Open in the US. $12 retail value.

Disclaimer: All opinions are my own. Fred did send me the Swing Time Ceramic Bird Feeder to review, for free. They did not tell me what to write.