Friday, July 24, 2020

Random Tid Bits

  1. Mica had his routine check-up with the doctor yesterday. The boy is almost 6 foot. Because he grew so fast, he has some stretch marks. He's never been fat; in fact he's slimmed down his tummy. He just grew oh so quickly. Doctor Harrison doesn't think there's anything that really works for stretch marks. Have you found anything that does?

  2. Mica failed his Scoliosis test. I was and still am a little worried about it. It helped when my sister told me in regards to Evan (my nephew Mica's age), "Evan failed his too. I think he just grew so fast. His body was catching up somehow." Today Mica got his scan. Oh joy - more expense. I do want to make sure he's ok.

  3. Isaak and I have been watching the old show Lost. Isaak and I seem to have the same taste in shows. We both liked Medium. Travis and Mica could have cared less, for both of them. Travis and Mica like documentaries. Isaak and I are like, "Really? Documentaries! They are boring. I feel like I'm in school!" I like some documentaries, but not a lot of them. 

  4. We're in the process of redoing Mica's room. Because I work some of the weekend, it's taking for-ever! I spackled, sanded, and primed. Then Travis taped, and painted. We still have painting to do though. Mica's bedroom is infringing on our living room, so I'm ready for it to be done!

  5. I'm tired like 90% of the time. Waking up at 4:30 AM to go to work by 5:30 is rough. I have successfully opened up. My trainer said she has faith that I'll get down closing as well. It seems intimidating. I don't mind the job. I just don't like when asked - "What do you like about this job the most?" She answered, "Going home." Most designer/marketing jobs around here have about 50 applicants on the low side, so that's a challenge. I keep trying. Each time I get shot down, something else pops up that I'm excited about. Something, sometime will happen.

    This old song from Sesame Street keeps popping into my head:


  1. Hope all is well. Hope you get his room finished soon!!! Trying to play catch up with your blog... so where you working now??

  2. Allison is rail thin and has stretch marks on her legs. She got hers from growing too fast too. I have them on my thighs also. Have had them all my life, even when I was tiny like Allison. Nothing I have ever tried makes them shrink :(

    I have faith the right job will come along for you. I know it's really hard right now for a lot of people. I really hope things start turning around for everyone real soon!

  3. Yes!! The new door will open and it will be so nice. Just keep pushing on.
    My son hopes he gets a huge growth spurt like your son did. He wants to play ball, and while that's okay now, the higher he gets in grades, the taller he will need to be, especially if he keeps the desire through college. :)

  4. I also wanted to say good luck getting the room done. I hope it turns out fabulous!


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