Tuesday, August 11, 2020

#WW Rotary Honor Roll #Linky

I got a call last week. Ring Ring...Hello is this Mrs. Apel? Do you still live on such and such street? This is King Science Middle School, and we want to drop off an award for Mica. 

I wasn't crying. Really I wasn't. ;) I shut myself in my room, and let it all go. It was a flood of emotions. I was proud of Mica! At the same time I was scared for the boy's future. I was sad that Mica won't be starting high school in a building, making new friends. Usually I'm getting ready for school. Since 2002 August meant school was starting for me. I had Mica the second day of school August 10, 2005. This year I'm not a teacher. I lost my job in May. I just got word that the college I worked for will close. How could they possibly stay open, when all of high school is remote. All understandable. If universities and community colleges are hurting, technical and art school are really struggling! 

With all the craziness in the world right now, what is something that has been the hardest on you?

Mica said, "Mom don't take a picture, when they get here!" Oh I wanted to!

The councilors don't even know how much I appreciate them dropping off this piece of paper to my son. He got all A's and one B+ last semester. He did everything he was supposed to do; even though they weren't grading his work.

The award stands for:

•Leadership: Works well with others | Respects opinions of others | Honest, dependable and reliable

•Character – Kind and courteous | Responsible | Demonstrates respect for others and respect for the environment

•Scholarship –Demonstrates thirst for knowledge | Shows ownership of academic outcomes | Respects teachers & the learning environment

•Presence – Behaves appropriately | Respects self and others in dress, speech and actions | Responsible for portraying positive self-image

Processing #tomatoes

Per usual Travis has a lot going on in the garden.

Things we grew:

  • Kale
  • Tomatoes
  • Corn
  • Popcorn
  • Different Types of Dried Beans
  • Basil
  • Oregano
  • A few Types Peppers
  • Strawberries

...and more

He plants it, and for the most part I process it. 

We have a system with tomatoes:

  1. We bake egg shells, grind them in a coffee grinder to sprinkle on the ground, where the tomatoes grow. They love the calcium! 

  2. I have 3 windows where tomatoes go. 1 is for green and yellow ones, another is for orange ones, and the last is for almost ready ones. Once the almost ready ones are ready it's time to move on to the next step.

  3. I slice the tomatoes in a cross formation. That makes them easier to peel. It feels a bit odd, like I'm sacrificing something. Ha! I find that ceramic knives work so well to do this. They are sharper. I don't want to cut into the tomato, just the peeling.

  4. I boil a big pot of water, to put the tomatoes in for 2 minutes. 

  5. Then it's time for the tomatoes to move to an ice bath. They sit in there, for a minute or two.

  6. They peel so easily!

  7. After they are all peeled, and the peeling has moved into the compost pile I cut them, and deseed them. Anyone with allergies should deseed tomatoes. The seeds are what many are allergic to. You wouldn't even know that you're allergic to them. You just get common allergies all the more, with ingesting the seeds. 

  8. It's time to cut them, and put them in a silicone reusable bag, or ZipLoc bag. 

  9. There is a ton of tomato juice. Travis used to dispose of it. One year I was like, "Let's keep it!" I have to say that I'm glad we started doing that! I use the cubes for soups, and any dish that requires chicken or beef broth. It adds flavor!

About TigexPro Silicon Ice Cube Trays:

You can get them on Amazon: 

Cost: $11.99 

Included: A red and black silicone deep ice cube tray, with lids. 

What Else the TigexPro Silicon Ice Cube Trays Can Be Used for:

  • Homemade Baby Food
  • Frozen Fruits for Smoothies
  • Frozen Veggies for Soups
  • Ice
  • Alcoholic Drinks
  • These are deep enough, where dried snacks could go in each one, for little kids
Popping Out the Cubes:

They easily pop out if you run the bottom of the tray under warm, or hot water in the sink. They do have lids to prevent anything from getting freezer burned + to cover the cubes, so they don't fall in the sink + to pop out the cubes. 

I pop them out, once they are frozen, and store them in a big ZipLoc bag or reusable silicone bag. Then use them when I need them.  

What would you use silicone ice cube trays for?

Disclaimer: I got the silicone ice cube trays, for a discounted price in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Happy 15th Birthday Mica!

Today we had an odd storm roll through. It happened very suddenly, and left many in the Omaha area, including us with no power. 

Your birthday didn’t really start out on a positive note. You were brushing your teeth in the dark. 

We are in the middle of a pandemic. I have to say out of all of us in the Apel house you’ve adapted the best to solitude + change. You said that this pandemic gives you time to self reflect.

You were supposed to start high school today. North High Magnet School focuses on Biomedical and Engineering. We found out just two days ago that classes are going to be held remote, for the first semester. You were excited that school wasn’t going to begin on your birthday.

What you got, for your birthday:

•A room makeover - You would have never asked for a room makeover. Why? Because it required work. Ha!

•You also wanted something on the PS4, but missed playing time with your cousins due to the power outage. 

•I got you some candy. I know jellybeans are one of your favorites, but you never get any because Isaak can’t have them, due to his braces. The Dentist may not thank me, but you’ll enjoy them. 

•I made you an ice cream cake, and got Chinese take out. 


•Eating! I went to get a snack, and the whole pan was empty. It threw me because the foil was still on the pan. You're growing like a weed, so I get why you're hungry all the time.

•Battlefront - A PS4 game

•You liked the show Hunters on Amazon Prime

•You still enjoy reading

•You often are listening to music



•Getting your hands dirty in the kitchen


•Scoliosis is our main scare with you right now. You didn't do well at the doctor's office, they sent you to get a scan, and you didn't do great on that either. I'm hoping you just grew too fast. You have to get yet another scan in three months. 

•You have no interest in driving. We shall see. 


You got a big award sent your way from school last year. More on that in a big.  

Overall you're a pretty darn good kid, and I love you!

Happy Birthday Mica!

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Carrot Cake #doughnuts

Typically I wake up before everyone else. I lay there pondering about what I should make.

This morning I was thinking, What do we have that needs to be used up? We have lots of carrots, and raisins. No one in our house likes raisins all that much, except in desserts, or breakfast goodies like this. 

They were easier to make, then my Dark Chocolate Doughnuts, or the Lemon Doughnuts I've shared with you. They were just as good as both, but I have to say it's hard to pass up chocolate! 

Carrot Cake Doughnuts by AlissaSpiehs-Apel on Scribd

Sometimes I skip the glaze. It's not because it's not good. It's just that we don't need the extra sugar. This time I decided to add it.

What I Paired the Carrot Cake Doughnuts Up With:
  • Spinach Leaves
  • A Date
  • Bing Cherries
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Emergen-C Drink
It was a hit with everyone. Mica per usual on a weekend morning asked, for seconds. 

What kind of homemade doughnuts do you prefer?