Thursday, November 13, 2008

Slept Through the Night

  • Yes Isaak slept through the night! A big contrast from Sat. where he woke up so many time that I lost count. I was debating if he was teething, but poof now he acts like he's fine.
  • Travis looked in Mica's calendar to see when Mica cut his first teeth, it wasn't until he was 8 months old, Isaak is 6 months right now. I have late bloomers with cutting teeth. My sister Terra's boy is 8 months and he has 7 teeth already. It makes it a lot easier to feed them table foods when they cut teeth earlier. It took Mica awhile to eat real meat, he was way past a year because he didn't have his back teeth yet. I remember that being a huge issue because of his funky tongue, the doctors were worried he would have problems eating. He eats fine now. Worries for nothing.
  • One good thing about Isaak not having teeth yet, I don't have a biter on my hands.


  1. Yea!!! Glad to hear that you got a full night sleep. I get about 3-5 hours at a time. He's still hungry at night.

  2. I think breast fed babies tummies do not get as full as formula fed babies. But breast is best.


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