Thursday, February 25, 2010

Blogging World

  • I've thought about switching over Word Press because it's supposed to be so much better then e-blogger.
  • I don't want to! I've decided that Word Press is annoying! I follow a few Word Press sites and it takes forever to make comments. The sites are slower, if you want to make more then one comment it tells you that you are posting too quickly. It's also impossible to trash a comment that you messed up on. Yes I am human and make mistakes! I start going to fast many times, or get into a routine. e-blogger allows comments to be posted quickly and you can trash things you don't want as a comment.
  • Then you need to know all kinds of coding on Word Press to make it even work. e-blogger allows you to do coding too if you want.
  • I also hate the site Technorati. I go to thumb up a post, and I can never find it to thumb up. It sometimes doesn't work like it should. I'm a member of it, and I can't get it to work!
  • I much prefer Stumble Upon over Technorati. I didn't know what to do with Stumble Upon at first, but once I figured it out it's great. So slick to use.


  1. Wordpress is great for having multiple pages. I can have my portfolio, blog and other stuff all on one site. But it does require lots of CSS coding and it is time consuming, but doable. I think our family blog is just fine on Blogger and I don't see it necessary to complicate it. There is a Wordpress for Dummies book if you should decide to switch. It just takes a little while to get your head wrapped around it.

  2. All that is good to know. I really should know both Wordpress and e-blogger. I know you can have separate pages in eblogger, it's just more awkward.


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