Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Finish Your Meal

  • Go Graham Go is focusing on good manners this week.
  • I like today's article titled: Raising a Well-Mannered Child Series Part 3: Table Time.
  • With our kids we try to put limited food on their plates and expect them to finish their meals. The article above talks about this.
  • Our kids have to try whatever it is on their plates because this makes them more accepting towards new or different things.
  • Both of our kids like asparagus, Mica likes grilled peppers and Isaak likes curry chicken. I don't make the kids eat things over and over that they dislike, but I do want them to sample whatever it is that we're eating.

1 comment:

  1. Very good point you made in your comment. I think if kids never try it, then how do they know if they like it!


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