Friday, May 28, 2010

We Planted a Tree

  • I told Mica tonight that we were going to plant a tree in Isaak's room. What I meant...we were putting up a vinyl tree in Isaak's room.
  • Mica was so excited. Isaak was trying to burnish the vinyl down with me.
  • Unfortunately...Isaak's room is pretty small, so we had to put it behind his crib.
  • When his crib gets converted to a toddler bed in the fall we'll be able to see more of the tree.
  • There are irregular hills going around his room as well. I just ripped wide masking tape, and put it down trying to curve it along the way. Then I painted light blue from the tape into the wall, so that it wouldn't bleed into the tape. It worked like a charm. This is when the Art Media Techniques class that I teach has helped to inspired me!
  • Here are some shelves I painted when Mica was a baby. A guy I knew was just going to throw the shelves away.
  • I painted them and added baskets for his toys.
  • Next we're hanging plastic balls from the ceiling with fishing line.
  • There's a shelf that needs to be hung up as well. I'm thinking that while Isaak has the robot bedding for his crib/soon to be toddler bed, I'll put some robots on the shelf.
  • I plan on painting a few things to go with the vinyl tree to put on another wall. I also want to make a 3D kite.
  • His room has a dresser and desk (not shown here). I want to change the knobs on those things to match each other.
  • We used the desk as a changing table, and still have it set up for that. It's nice because the hamper fits inside the whole of the desk where the chair would sit. The desk was left in our house by the people who lived there before us. I ripped up old papers that I would of shredded anyhow, glued them on the desk with matte medium, painted it chocolate brown, and varnished over it.


  1. Following you from Fun Follow Friday. Pls follow me back when you get the cahnce.

    Sumana @

  2. Thanks so much for linking up for the Fun Follow Fridays. I hope that you found some new blogs to follow and that you got some new followers as well!

    Please make sure to link up again Next week.

    Thanks again,

    Lynette & Stacie

  3. Oh, what an absolutely cute idea for the bedroom!

    I'm a new follower of your blog {from the Fun Follow Friday}... would love it if you stop by and visit me. Thanks!

    I can tell that I certainly will enjoy following your blog. :)

  4. Everything looks great!! I'm impressed


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