Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Busy Day tomorrow

  • I took the day off to help watch the kid's. My sister's two will be coming over all day. This is pretty typical.
  • Then I offered to watch my friends twins too. My friend is due to have a baby at the end of the month. Her sister just had a baby. Her mom went into the emergency room because her head and neck hurt for about 3 days. They found a brain aneurysm and she had to go in for an emergency surgery. Now her mom's in the ICU recovering. It's hard because her mom was going to help with the twins when my friend goes into have her baby girl. Plus it's difficult for her and her husband to go to the hospital to see her mom when they have their 3 year old girl's.
  • I'm adding the twins to the list of kids I'm watching tomorrow. I figured it was the least I could do.
  • It should be fun having girl's around the house. I feel so out numbered most of the time. Now I know what Grandpa Spiehs (my dad) felt like growing up with all daughters.

1 comment:

  1. OH my goodness!!! Good luck to you! I had 2 3 year olds and 1 12 month old yesterday and I was so ready for bed by the end of the day.


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