Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Characters for the Tree

  • I've been working to add more character's to Isaak's tree in his room. 
  • At first I was thinking of just making a bird's nest. 
  • I decided to make a sleeping owl too. The owl has to be asleep because it's day time.
  • These two characters are now made, but not attached to the wall yet. I'm still trying to figure out what the best way of attaching them is. Our walls and ceiling isn't dry wall. It's cement mixed with plaster. Something like that. Hard as heck! I'm sure structurally the walls are great to withstand a thunderstorm, but horrible to attach anything to them! 

  • Here's the bird's nest. It will go on the bottom right branch.
  • A detail of the nest. I just sewed in scraps of thread and I left the ends showing in a messy manner since nests are organized, yet cluttered at the same time.
  • Here's the wise old owl. He'll go on the bottom left branch.
  • This is a detail of one of the owl's eye's. They were sewn in.
  •  I'm still in the process of making a puppy for a hill. He's going to be chasing one of the butterflies on a different wall. Isaak loves puppies, so I had to add one in.
  • I was thinking of creating a puppy Doctor Seuss style. To be honest I think Max from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas is kind of ugly. I'm going with more of a puppy look from The Poky Little Puppy.
  • It will be a brown puppy, and he'll have a funky pattern for his spots. I thought brown will be better then white; just in case a little boy decides to touch him a lot.
  • And last, but not least Isaak's going to have a kite on that same wall as the puppy.


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