Monday, August 16, 2010


  • Mica goes to his yearly check up towards the end of today.
  • I always write a list because I get to talking to them, and then forget about 1/2 of what I was going to ask.
The things I'll bring up this time:
  • The kid won't blow his nose. He's 5, and should be able to do that. There was one two week period where he did blow his nose, and now won't.
  • He gets bloody noses. Probably from picking his nose because he won't blow it.
  • He hasn't had a problem with loose stools in awhile, but he's got a stomach like mine. When nerves hit, he gets loose stools. I'm hoping his was just toddler diarrhea.
  • The kid drinks a lot of milk, so I'm going to ask him how much he needs at his age? Usually people have problems getting their kids to drink their milk, not Mica!
  • Then I'll talk about what to expect with his kindergarten check-up. I'll see if he can get any of those shots now, since his next yearly appointment won't be until next August.

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