Monday, November 1, 2010

Skipping Buzz

  • During Mica's last preschool conferences his teacher's said that he didn't know how to skip.
  • Mica's always been behind on things like skipping, pedaling a bike and even with walking he had a limp at first. He crawled with one leg tucked under him. Only one leg was used to crawl. Since he was only exercising one leg, he had a limp when he started walking. I've never seen a baby crawl like Mica. I saw a lot of funky crawls in our Baby and Me Group. The crawls I've seen: Army crawl, polar bear crawl and pretty much a scoot across the floor. Mica's was very different then all of those. When I looked his crawl up when he was doing it, I read that a lot of kids that get Autism crawl like that. Of course since Mica was born with a normal side of his tongue and a skinny side, the doctors were concerned of major asymmetric disorders. I was so worried. The boy had such odd things happen to him when he was a baby. I don't even think I could demonstrate what his crawl was like. I wish I had a video of his crawl.
  • Well the boy knows how to skip now! He was a Buzz Lightyear, "To infinity and beyond!" skipper last night!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that he's thriving. It's really hard when our kids don't grow and develop like we think they should. Happily, it's usually a premature worry!


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