Monday, March 14, 2011

Naked - Privacy

  • Mica, who is five years old wants privacy when he's in his room getting dressed and while going to the bathroom. 
  • We give him the privacy he asks for.
  • The crazy things is that we give him a bath with Isaak. We see them both naked. Somehow it must be different when they are naked in the bath. 
  • Regardless of the difference, Mica is now fully aware of modesty.  I respect his want to be private. 
  • For a long time now he's wanted the bathroom door shut when he's going potty.
  • I think as parents we have to follow our kids cues. 
I am wondering when bathing both boy's together will have to come to an end? Mica has yet to ask to bathe alone, but if he's asking to be alone all other times, should I stop giving them baths together? Or should I wait until Mica asks to take a bath alone?


  1. Well, if it were me, I'd just let them continue co-bathing until one of them decided otherwise. I tend to go with whatever is most convenient. :)

  2. Aiyana just started requesting to bathe by herself! It is so much easier to bathe the girls together. I am hoping it is just a phase.

  3. What a sweet baby!

    My girls still bath together but sometimes we separate them, just to keep the peace when they're being ornery ;)


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