Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Dentist and Doctor

It was Isaak's first trip to the dentist. We read books about going to the dentist and role played to get him prepared. He was scared at first! He got teary eyed. He certainly warmed up after she showed him the dentist tools. He even sat still enough to get x-rays.

Mica went to the dentist too. I called them to ask if he could go? He went to the doctor this morning, and we found he has an ear infection and bronchitis. They wear a mask and gloves, so it wasn't a concern for them. As long as he was up for it. He was excited to go to the dentist.

By the way Mica's informed us that kids have 20 teeth and adults have 200.

Then there was the doctor this morning. Isaak had an ear infection last week. Since Mica's cough was so bad, the doctor put him on a nebulizer and both kids are on antibiotics.


  1. Oh my, I see the fear in his eyes! Great shots!

  2. Oh, man... hope everyone feels better soon! Not fun!

  3. Poor guys! I hope they are both feeling better soon - being sick is no fun!

  4. Glad he did so well at the dentist despite the fear and hope they both feel better soon!

  5. Hope he is feeling better soon. Do they do xrays on little kids at the dentist? I haven't taken my 3 year old yet though I know I need to sometime this year.

  6. First your boys are adorable. Second poor baby looks scared in that first picture.

  7. Aww, hope everyone is back to feeling 100 % soon! He looks so scared, but then again... I would be too.. something new! :)
    Have a great day!

  8. In the first picture he looked so scared that it made me want to reach out to him and give lots of hugs! My Gracie is only 16 months now but has had all her teeth (not her second molars but working on those) since she was 12 months. I don't think she would do as well as Isaak did at all.

    I hope they feel better soon!

  9. What bravery! And so cute!! I hope they're feeling better soon!

    WW: Peanut-Nut

  10. He had his eyes locked on you for security!

  11. SO brave but the look in his eyes is priceless!

  12. The boy is so brave. I can see it in his beautiful eyes. I think he is enjoying the whole situation and I wish that my son is as brave as that boy.


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