Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - De Plane! De Plane!

The boy's got a Styrofoam plane from their second Easter egg hunt. They were all super excited!

Wrong way! He'll get it soon enough.

How did he get 2 of them?

This one got stuck up in the tree. We got it down.

Isaak woke up the night of Easter at 9 pm crying. I went in and said, "Isaak what's wrong?" Isaak replied, "I want to play with my plane!" Then I said, "Go back to bed sweet heart. It's past your bedtime!"


  1. LOL. He obviously had a lot fun playing with those planes. :)

  2. Great pictures!! Looks like they had a blast! Thanks for stopping by!!!

  3. lol, how do you know it was the wrong way? maybe that was the way it was flying! :) cute pics... how fun.

  4. What a nice sunny day for Easter!

    looks like the plane was a great hit!!! You know it's a good thing when they are dreaming about it :)

  5. my boys love those kind of planes too!

  6. LOL Nanny gave my boys these too and thats exactly where ours ended up! In a tree!

  7. Those planes are amazing! Looks like they had a blast@

  8. Let the immagination run wild! :) awesome.

    Thanks for stopping by my WW

    Shasher's Life

  9. That looks like fun!! Planes go backwards on the runway anyway :)

  10. Gosh that brought back a lot of memories. We use to fly kites and planes around Easter when my children were at home too. Didn't remember it until I saw the picture.
    Thank you for visiting my blog.


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