Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Birthday Party

Who's Birthday: 

Yesterday we celebrated Isaak {3 years} and cousin Evan's {6 years} birthdays.

Mica made sure that we hung a birthday banner up. Luckily I had one stuffed up with the party stuff. I had no time to make one! It's funny how kid's priorities are different from our's. I was all about clean and prepare. Mica was all about, decorating. ;)

The Guest's:

The boy's were both super excited the moment our first guest's Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Kent walked through the door. They both had to show off their rooms and favorite toys. Poor Grandma just didn't understand where they were leading her. She has Alzheimer's disease. I was actually surprised that Grandpa brought her over. I guess she was trying to follow Grandpa out of her home. He decided to take her over. She did pretty good! Isaak was like, "Come on Grandma!" He took his little hand, grabbed her's bigger hand and he lead her off to his bedroom. If I wasn't so busy, I would have thought about snapping a picture of Isaak holding her hand. It happened so quick, but was super cute!

More and more guests arrived. We had 9 adults, 2 older kiddo's and 4 little kiddo's.

The Eat's:

Dinner went by really smooth. I had as much prep work done as possible, which was great! I made hamburgers: I add feta cheese, chopped green onions, chopped white onions, chopped tomato, ground oat meal, Worcestershire sauce and an egg to help hold it all together. I think I added too much Worcestershire sauce, but everyone seemed to like it! Aunt Angela even took one home to Uncle Eric who was unable to attend. Aunt Terra brought sausages, which were yummy too! For sides Grandma Spiehs made baked beans that I love, Aunt Angela brought different types of dip and chips {yummy}, we had watermelon, cantaloupe, fresh green beans and Couscous Salad.

The little boy's ate in Mica's room. I made sure they got a little of everything. When I went to check on them it was comical! There was splatters of lemonade on the floor. What I was laughing at the most was how one single plate had a big pile of green beans on it. They must have all decided that the green beans were not their top choice of things to eat, so they piled them on one plate. Later on I was teasing them that they couldn't have cake because of how they all decided to waste their green beans! They sort of looked at each other trying to decide if I was serious or not!


Big brother Mica helping Isaak get a ribbon off his present.
Isaak's favorite? The Hot Wheel track Grandma and Grandpa Spiehs got for him! We didn't get it set up at the party, so I thought Grandma and Grandpa would like to see a video. Try to not pay attention to the Mica Man picking his nose!

At the end of the video was Isaak's head bumping into the camera. He didn't even flinch. Almost every time the track got done Isaak would say, "That's cool!" Every time I video tapes it, Isaak wouldn't say it. :( One time a car got stuck and Mica said, "Well that was lame." We were laughing. They played with the Hot Wheel track until 9 pm, an hour past their bedtime.

Isaak was really confused how the whole method of unwrapping gifts went. Here's he's asking Daddy, "Why is Evan opening a gift? I thought it was my turn?" We kept flip flopping to give them each a turn. Some people gave the boy's more then one thing to unwrap.  Isaak looked concerned. Like he was being gypped.

Isaak also got a Melissa and Doug cookie and ice cream cone set from Aunt Terra, more Hot Wheels cars and extra track from Grandma and Grandpa Spiehs, sweet Play-Doh sets from Aunt Angela and money from Great Aunt Becky that was unable to attend and Great Grandma and Grandpa Kent. I used some money to buy a Slip 'n Slide that the boy's love!

I gave Evan a puzzle from Melissa and Doug that said the capitals as you put the pieces in. For the record I felt bad because their was two Wyoming's! Not something I would have even thought to check!


Aunt Terra brought some, we made some, so we had a lot of dessert. 

I made a gigantic chocolate chip cookie on a flat pan, and a sphere cake that we decided to leave in two halves. You can see more pictures of this cake on my Cookie Art blogOur theme was space, so I wanted to make a planet cake. We decided on earth. I made the cake, frosted the blue and Daddy frosted the details in. He's much better with 3D and geography then I am!


  1. What a great party! Love how Isaak was so confused with how it all works, and your cake was amazing!

  2. That is a totally awesome cake! You guys did a great job. Lol @ the nose picking. Gotta love it.


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