Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Indiana Jones AKA Mica Apel

Mica got mad when I called him, "Indiana Jones." He looked like him to me. I said, "Why don't you want to be called Indiana Jones Mica?" He said, "Because I don't know who he is!" 

We watched a few action scene's on YouTube, and he said, "Mommy you can call me Indiana Jones now!" We have an Indiana Jones fan in our house! 

 He's been humming the theme song around our house.


  1. YOu have good scenery for it too!

  2. those are great!!!
    love the shots and the background!!!

  3. lol. One of my all time favorites. That first shot really looks like him with that expression. :) Great shots!!

  4. Love the "mommy you can call me Indiana Jones now"
    And the shots are great. He is really into it.
    Thanks for linking up at Tots and Me

  5. Love the pictures! And, he is such a cutie pie! We are big Indiana Jones fans over here too.

  6. He DOES look like Indiana Jones! Such adorable, fun pictures! And I'm kinda jealous that it's warm enough where you're at to run around without sleeves! We're still in jackets!

  7. That is hilarious! He looks adorable!

  8. Awesome! I love the pictures you took! Happy Wednesday! And yes, Lily and I love pink :)

  9. OMGosh! What a little model he is! So cute! I love that he wanted to be called Indiana Jones after watching him on YouTube! lol

  10. Ha...that is too cute! Of course now that he knows, he will want to be called Indiana Jones, that is one tough guy! The pictures are just adorable.


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