Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day

A little late I knew. I've been thinking it and saying it all day. My dad, Grandpa Spiehs got a plant from us. Daddy got a mug with the boy's artwork and an acupuncture mat by Spoonk.

We went out to breakfast this morning. I was a little bummed. For Mother's Day they had a huge buffet for free; for Father's Day they had just a regular breakfast. Not for free. Bummer! Dad's got gypped! I seriously think the media hypes Mother's Day up way more then Father's Day.


  1. We noticed the same thing. That Dad's weren't treated as special! Not sure why either. Looks like they still had a nice time. I love the acupunture mat idea. In fact, I wish had thought of that for Mother's Day! :)

    One of the quotes I mentioned on MBG was -
    Small boy's definition of Father's Day: It's just like Mother's Day only you don't spend so much~Unknown.

  2. Hi! I found you through Voiceboks and am glad I did :) I hope you'll come visit me and follow me back at and/or

    Thanks and have a great day!

  3. Love the pic. Beautiful!!

    Have a nice day!


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