Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Parodys of Songs

Do you ever make up songs to sing to your kids? I do all the time! Lately my own parody's have been getting stuck in my head!

I've been singing, "This is the dawning of the age of asparagus, age of a-spar-a-gu-uh-uss." This is off the song, Aquarius by The Fifth Dimension.

And this one, "Oh Scooby Doo baby I love you. Scooby Doo. I like the way you walk..." This is off the song, Suzie Q by CCR. One of Daddy's favorite bands!

I taught both of our boy's how to spell his name with the song, BINGO. "There was a farmer that had a dog and Mica was his name-o. MICA, MICA, MICA and Mica was his name-o." Then the same for ISAAK. I know I was calling them dogs, but it worked. They learned how to spell their names early on.

Do you make up songs to sing? If you like parodies for kids check out Juice Box Heroes. Aunt Terra and I both have their first album and like it! Their website has clips of their songs.

The only crazy thing is that when the real song plays on the radio, our kids are like, "Hey that's not how it goes!" HA

1 comment:

  1. I do all the time but not for kids but to tease my husband. I wanted to share a poem with you as you're a mother of handsome boys.
    Please read if you find time.



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