Friday, August 26, 2011

Breakfast Dinner and an Oatmeal Bath

Tonight both boys were excited because I made a breakfast meal for supper. We had pancakes with June Berries that I froze from our June Berry tree and organic raspberry syrup. Then we had potatoes from our garden with ham and carrots. I gave them each a slice of pear as well. They asked for juice, but I said "No because they had a juice box at Grandma and Grandpa Spiehs' house." They seemed to be ok with that answer.

After dinner I used the mini food processor to grind up 2 cups of oatmeal. My boy's had an oatmeal bath tonight. I read that it's supposed to help with itching (Isaak has a baby eczema outbreak on his head right now). It also is supposed to be calming. The boy's seemed excited that I was filling the tub up with water more then normal. I usually am pretty skimpy with water. Then Isaak was giddy about me sprinkling the oatmeal in. He was trying to eat it as it fell into the tub. He's so funny sometimes!


  1. I always say kids have their own ways to bring smiles in our lives. I hope they enjoyed their oatmeal bath:)

  2. :) i looooove bodyshop honey oatmeal scrub, it smells so good i wish i cud eat it :) so don't blame isaak for what he did :D

  3. Breakfast for dinner is THE best! :)


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