Tuesday, September 6, 2011

WW - Generated Electricity {Linky}


  1. I see these when I'm on my way to visit my son. He lives in Streetor, IL. There's open land out there. I love it. I lived in the city all my life, and now I live near the Fox River where I left the cement jungle behind. Following you.

  2. That's great! I hope we can get more of those up around my home!

  3. fun fun. My girls love being able to see these when we are on our way to the Buffalo Bills football games.
    Thanks for linking up and for the linky

  4. Love this! I've always wanted to photograph these. :)

  5. beautiful photos if they only could power the whole world

    thanks for sharing

  6. We also have these in the Philippines and it is positioned along the sea shore :) They are called as the Bangui Windmills :) Very economic and environment-friendly :)

    Visit my entry too in WW Wednesday

    Emotive Train Station

    Thank you and God bless :)

  7. Wind turbines are so interesting to see. They are sooooo high. Thanks for hosting!

  8. That is just so cool - I'd love to see some in person!

  9. Lets hope the politicians wake up to the fact that we needmore of those!

  10. We have those on top of some of our mountains. They are impressive to see as you don't realize how big they are until then.

  11. I don't know why, but those fields scare me!

  12. I wish had more window power here. We enough wind to share for sure!

  13. i think i have seen these 2 times in my life... and both times, i am in awe

  14. My nieces and nephews love the "helicopter windmills" as we have crossed the country. My youngest nephew wants to fix the ones that aren't turning

  15. If we ever have the opportunity to have the land to occupy those mills, we would so do it! Thank you for sharing!

  16. As big as I think they are from looking at a picture, I bet it doesn't come close to the real thing.

  17. I know there are some downfalls to these turbines (i.e. the constant hum, etc) but I love driving through the Columbia Gorge and seeing them turning lazily in the wind. They are so HUGE up close!

  18. Awesome wind turbines!! Did you see the Daily Show clip where duck hunters were angry that the turbines killed a handful of ducks before they could?

    -:¦:- WW: Black-Eyed Susan -:¦:-


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