Sunday, October 2, 2011


Mica wanted to model his new new coats off. He's been wearing his winter coat with his magic cape over it all morning. I'm not sure why. He finally said, "Mommy I'm hot!" I said, "Well take your coat off like I suggested earlier." ;)

This is his Silver Point Flannel Jacket from Kohls. He told me that he wanted to cross his arms to make it seem like it was cold outside. Really it's warm. 

This is his winter Pea Coat from Gymboree. This is the one he's been wearing all morning with his magic cape over it. Daddy said, "Mica looks like a cute little English bloke." Sounds like something one of my old co-worker's from London would say. 


  1. aaww...look at the lil hunks :)

  2. They should come up North and visit me. It is so cold here. I put my wool blanket on my bed last night.

    What heart breakers they are going to be.

  3. LOL I just noticed something. You have them posing like models. Now I am laughing my butt off.

    So cute!! Hams.... both of them

  4. You have good taste and so does he. Those are really cute!


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