Sunday, October 16, 2011

Professional Pictures

We got this picture taken of Mica a few weeks ago. He's pretty easy with taking photos! He loves attention.

We waited to get Isaak's taken until last night. I wanted to get his hat in the mail. We also scored pretty good with coupons, so I wanted to use one on one boy and another on the other. Isaak did really good at first. Then he decided it was more fun to jump, throw his hat in the air and make a pouty lip then stand still. HA We had an olive green button down shirt on him during the 2nd take. That's when he was acting up all crazy like. I don't blame him! He's a boy with lots of energy!


  1. Awww!!! Will ya look at their smiles!! The camera loves them!!

    Happy Monday!

  2. awwww... adorable :)


  3. I love both the photographs....hats look so cute on children :) I love hats but I am shy to wear on a regular basis :(

  4. Shows off their personalities so well!


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