Saturday, November 19, 2011

Crazy Traits

I wanted to blog about these traits that the boys have before I forget them.

Mica's been talking then his lips keep moving even though he's done talking. It's almost like his lips say another sentence after he says the sentence. You just can't hear any words. I mentioned this at conferences to his main teacher and the speech teacher. They both said to ignore it. They said that kids sometimes go through crazy things like that. It's just a phase. I really want to video tape him doing it just to show you what I'm talking about. It's really odd. Of course if I did that, I'd bring attention to it. He also blinks a lot when he's tired.

Isaak says: "Dendent" for Didn't, "Selery" for Sorry, "Suncunt" for Second, "Ermasen" for Emerson and "Micker Donalds" for McDonalds. The last one cracks me up the most. A few I've mentioned on here before. Isaak demands that I say, "Goodbye" to his potty before he flushes it. Odd, I know. I think all preschoolers have a little oddness to them. They are little, funny people. ;)

1 comment:

  1. goodby to potty :D I never thought of that....hahaha kids have a sense of humour...


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