Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Isaak, Isaak Quite Contrary, How Does Your Garden Grow?

Isaak made a garden image in preschool this week. It was sitting on the table. He decided to water it with his glass of water. I thought it was funny being an outsider. Daddy didn't think it was so funny.

This little boy has been oh so curious lately! Last week it was cutting his hair, and now spilling water on his pretend garden.


  1. It is funny to watch them and wonder what they're thinking and how they come to their decisions.

  2. LOL.... like I said, there is never a dull moment at your house. I think it is great you have this blog so they can look back on it one day and see exactly what they put mom and dad through.

  3. I agree with Candida, there seems to be no dull moment when Isaak and Mica are around...:)

  4. let him plant it...maybe it will

  5. i love how they think!!! they are for sure going to love looking back on this down the road


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