Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Grandpa Wanted Pie

Grandpa Spiehs (my dad) had his Atrial Fibrillation/Pulmonary Vein Ablation Procedure on the 21st. He did really well. I got a call from Aunt Terra (my sister) saying, "When you come up bring Dad some pie. He wants pie. The doctor put him on a low fat diet, but he wants pie. Mom said it was ok to give him some." So I went and picked up 1/2 a pie. They sold 1/2 a pie. Grandpa always watches what he eats. He's like the BEST eater ever. The guy has salad for breakfast. He's skinny as a rail to. Pie it was.

I walked into his hospital room and said, "Man you look white!" I was only kidding. The guy is always white.

Then we talked for awhile. It was nice having uninterrupted conversation. Mica and Isaak are not the best to have around if you are wanting to have a deep conversation with someone. Trust me, we've had talks about not interrupting.

Today Isaak and I visited Grandpa and Grandma Spiehs again. Only this time it was at home. I wasn't going to visit because Grandma said Grandpa barely slept in the hospital. When I brought up coming they wanted me to come. So we did.

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