Tuesday, February 14, 2012

WW - Rub-a-Dub-Dub it's Two Apel Boys in the Tub {Linky}

The boys rarely take a bath together anymore. They just fight and splash too much. It's easier to give one kid a bath at a time. Mica pretty much takes care of himself. I just make sure the soap is all out of his hair.

I found our spa mat in the closet. It's been a long time since we've used it. Both boys got in the tub and loved bath time! Spa mat + Bath tub = A lot of bubbles and Two very happy boys!

Here's Ducky Isaak and Froggy Mica.

If you have a moment enter my low entry giveaway for your choice of a Glee Gum Candy Kit - A Rafflecopter Giveaway.

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The Apel's The Apel's The Apel's The Apel'sThe Apel's


  1. Before I read the post, I was wondering how they bathe together without fighting. I can remember my sisters and I fighting in the tub when we were small.

  2. So cute. And lots of bubbles=happy kiddos:0

  3. So very cute!
    My girls outgrew their frog towels, time to get new ones, thanks for the reminder!

    My Organized Chaos

  4. So nice that occasionally they can have a bath time together though, and the towels are too cute!

  5. We used to stick all three of ours in the tub at once. I guess that would be weird today since they're all adults. LOL!


  6. Bath time looks so much fun (takes me ages to round my little 2 up) great towels Happy ww :)

  7. Noticed you have Linky Follower,just started following you,hope you would pop over to see if you would like to follow back :)

  8. very cute---my son has the DUCKY too =)

    TY for POPIN IN WW 2/15 =)

  9. They're adorable! We have several towels like those-makes bath time more fun! :)

  10. I love bubbles! Your duck and frog look so cute in their towels!

  11. Oh how fun! We had those same towels and I finally got rid of them last week. They really feel apart over the 4 or 5 years we had them. LOL!

  12. those towels are cute... we dont have any fun ones like that... the ones we had were when he was a baby... i did not know they made them in big kid sizes... now, i must go looking

  13. Such cuties!
    Thank you for visiting Wordless Wednesday at http://acts17verse28.blogspot.com/. I appreciate you stopping by and sharing your photo this week! I hope to see you again soon. Have a great week, NCSue

  14. I missed WW this past week. These are great moments and pics!! Grant takes baths as well, after we finish "washing" I close the shower curtain and let him do whatever he wants LOL Probably not the best idea but your only a kid once right?

  15. Awww that's so cute!


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