Friday, March 16, 2012

Car Door

This morning Isaak jumped out of the car, walked away and said, "Mommy look at the pink in the sky!"
Meanwhile, I shut his car door.

He looked at me with raised eyebrows, a stern voice and said, "Mommy I need to do that!" He opens up the car door, just to shut it again. He then proceeded to walk up the steps and said, "THAT'S JUST NOT FAIR!"

I told him, "Well Isaak I'm sorry I shut your door. You did get to shut it though." I apologized because: A) Daddy says I don't apologize enough. B) Because I infringed on Isaak's independence.

Mornings after daylight savings time have been less than desirable. One morning we all woke up late and yesterday Isaak had to go number 2 right when it was time to leave. I know it's not his fault, but it certainly makes for a rocky start. We I was trying to defeat time!

Allergies kicked in extra early here. I feel a little like I have a walking hang over, with none of the joys of drinking the night before. If I had to choose one dwarf from Snow White to categorize myself as in the morning lately it would be Grumpy. I don't mean to be grumpy I swear.

Grumpy - snow-white-and-the-seven-dwarfs photo
This is what the pollen counts look like here:

A report I get from Nasonex. They send me a weekly count during allergy season. I had to type in my zip code to get the correct counts. Maybe it's better not knowing. Ignorance can sometimes be bliss.

1 comment:

  1. sorry you aren't great... but, your comment about feeling like a hangover without the fun partying... made me laugh
    hope it gets better..


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