Monday, March 5, 2012

Yesterday I Felt SO OLD

I went to my cousin's {wife} baby shower. My cousin's cousin for their other side was there. I know confusing! I used to babysit her. She's now getting her master's degree.

Then I got on Facebook and the little boy, whom I babysat a lot just got married. I went down a little bit on his wall and someone said, "Congrats on the baby boy!" My jaw sort of dropped. He's old enough to have a baby, but I haven't seen him for years, which makes him still young in my mind. I can always remember his age because he's the same age as my two cousins Stacy and Brent, who are both married. Stacy has an adorable kid as well. I think the boy whom I babysat had an surprise with this baby though. No pictures of the baby or the wedding were up. That's usually something people want to share. I hope it all goes well! He was such a great kid to babysit. I loved him and his Mom!

This sounds crazy, but I think babysitting was so much fun most of the time! I got to play with the kids and read fun little stories. It was a blast!

1 comment:

  1. We all feel so young in our minds. Yesterday someone said she is my college and then it strikes to me that I passed out of college 10 years age...

    Baby sitting is fun...


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