Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day

Did you have a good Memorial Day? What did you do?

Usually we go to a Memorial Park. A few people make speeches. Then airplanes fly by and people jump out and land with a parachute. It's pretty cool to see!

We were going to go. Then Mica said, "I hate to tell you this Mommy, but I don't feel very good!" He felt warm, had no appetite, his tummy hurt and his lymph nodes were swollen. He was around Cousin Emerson last week. The evening after Emerson was around Mica, Emerson got it. All of Aunt Terra's family has had it. Now it's our turn. I don't know if the rest of us will get it or not. Isaak and Cousin Evan's birthday party was on Sunday night. Mica could have spread it to the other families that were at our house. Uggg!

We just sat around and watched movies most of the day. Daddy's really big about not letting them watch too much TV. Mica didn't even feel like coloring. He just looked out of it. In fact he laid down at 3 and slept until 5:30. I wish Isaak would have done the same.


  1. I always felt so bad when my Daughter got sick. There is not a lot you can do for them.

    I have a sore throat today. I think I got it from my Granddaughter, she was sick last week when we were there.

  2. awe... hope ALL of your family is getting better now...
    hope the party was great too!


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