Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sing, Sing a Song Saturday

I started five weeks ago doing what I call Sing, Sing a Song Saturday.  I'm going to post one song on Saturdays that the boys or I like. I'll see how long I can keep it up.

The song may be part of a movie, a kid's video or just a song we like. It may or may not include words. I'll try and include why we like it and/or the history of the song/singer.

This week I wanted to include something having to do with the boy's interests. I found a tribal video that was done out of maps! Mica and Isaak love putting together their Melissa and Doug USA puzzle. Mica likes pulling out our globe to point out places to Isaak.

"Tribe" is by singer/artist is Piers Faccini. It's directed by Cyril Gfeller.

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures look like they are out of the 70s.

    Hope you are having a great weekend.


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