Monday, May 14, 2012

Today I Have No Voice

Laryngitis kicked in when I woke up this morning. I actually feel better then I did all weekend, but I can't talk. I hope I get my voice back. It's finals week! Ekkkk!

Getting ready this morning was interesting. Isaak couldn't understand why I was whispering. He kept saying, "What Mommy? I can't hear you!"

Yesterday was a good day.

Mica showered me with gifts. I got a handmade necklace and a hand print image. Daddy gave me a card. Isaak gave me nothing, but his Mother's Day gifts came last week with the Mother's Day Tea Party at his school. There he gave me lots of things! By the way I expect nothing for Mothers Day. To me the holiday isn't about material items. When the boys make me things at school, I definitely won't turn them down!

We went to Village Inn. I had a white egg omelet, a yogurt parfait and a German Chocolate pancake. I never thought about putting coconut on top of a pancake. It's good. When I told Grandma Spiehs about it she said, "Yuck!" Not everyone likes coconut. I didn't until I was an adult. They give every Mom a single carnation, which is super nice! Isaak had a funny face pancake meal. He ate almost everything! Mica had chocolate chip pancakes and applesauce and ate almost everything! I teased him and told him that he was going to give birth to a chocolate chip pancake. Daddy had a manly skillet meal. 

Then we went to the grocery store to buy Grandma Spiehs a couple flowers. I didn't want to pay too much of a visit considering I felt crappy. We dropped the flowers off, talked for a few minutes and left.

We went home to unpack our groceries. There Daddy checked movie times. I got packs of veggies and fruit together for the movie. We went to see The Secret World of Arrietty at the cheaper theater. It was one of the first anime movies I've ever seen. We wanted to see the Avengers, but in the ratings it said it was best suited for ages 10 and up. Who knows. The kids like Hugo, and that's for that same age group. The Secret World of Arrietty was nicely written. The boys seemed to enjoy it.

We went home and the boys napped. Daddy called Grandma Apel, mowed the lawn and then joined me in picking more berries. We have a lot now! We'll get more soon.

I made salmon, asparagus and potato fries for dinner.

The boys helped Daddy work on what's called a 3 Sister Garden. I clean the muddy boys up, while Daddy cleaned their shoes. Then I swept all the main rooms, did a load of laundry and cleaned Mica's room. Daddy had to go into work. We had fun and we were productive. I couldn't ask for a better Mother's Day minus the cold I have.


  1. I don't know if my comment went through or not.... if not let me know. Something is going on with blogger.

    I said it sounds like you had a nice Mothers Day.

    I also ask about your 3 sister garden, is is for you and your sisters?

  2. I have never liked the taste or texture of coconut either, but I love the smell!

    I like how you spent your mother's day. It sounded like the perfect combo of relaxation and fun.

  3. i am with liz... :) lol, LOVE the smell of coconut, just not a fan of it..
    hope your voice gets back soon...

  4. Sounds like a great MD to me too!


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