Saturday, June 2, 2012


I was in taking a shower. Isaak decided to hang some stuff on the bathroom door.

After I was done I heard him say, "There are all my hookers." Daddy said, "What Isaak?" Isaak said, "Daddy I said, 'There are all my hookers!'"

Here are Isaak's hookers:

1 comment:

  1. ha ha ha... that is too funny.
    just like yesterday, we went to see a friend play softball and he was asking what it was (since i told him it wasn't a baseball) I was explaining it was a softball just like all the other balls he has at home like the football, basketball, golfball, soccerball and so on..
    so, he looks over to my friend and yells I have balls too!
    she of course laughed and told me we might want to think of a different way to share that news with everyone :)


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